Is she ready to go back with everyone else?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2008
SW Ontario
Midge had her tumour out about 10 days ago, on a Monday. She ripped out her stitches, and by Friday night was back at the vets for abs. She seems to be feeling totally fine, and it doesn't look like the wound is really open anymore. There is a scab forming, but it could be a bit thin. She won't leave the damn thing alone. I think she's bored.

I just cleaned all the cages, and thought now might be a good time to put her back in with her mom and sister and Monkey. Is it to soon? Do you think they'll bug her sore? Or, will she be occupied enough she'll finally leave it alone?
I never separate after surgeries, and have never had any issue with anyone picking at the incision or scab. It's a very real possibility that she's picking at it because she's bored and/or stressed out.
My vet suggested I put her in a one-level cage, since she ripped out her stitches only minutes after waking up. He wanted me to be able to keep a closer eye on it and not have her leaping like superrat off a ledge. It was a fairly long incision, I think we were both worried about it getting caught somewhere.
I meant that I've never had problems with anyone bugging an incision, so she should be fine.
aha. Gotcha. Sorry.

I put her back in with the other three. She's high energy to begin with, and right now she's hanging upsidedown scoping out the new hammock. Monkey was a bit aggressive when she first came in, but she's the odd girl out anyway, and tries to bully sometimes. She also attacked Jenka when she came back with stitches, so she's mainly the one I worry about.
I'll check her again shortly.

Thanks. Some day I'll stop worrying so much. :wink:
:lol: Let me know how that not worrying thing goes for ya.. And how you manage it.
Whenever one of ours have surgery, they are separated just for the night and put back in the colony.
But I can see wanting to keep her more quiet due to the fact she was working away at her stitching.
Glad to read all is perfect with the little one!
Midgey is a meathead. :wink2:

She's ripped her wound open a little bit, but it's not bad. And she is on abs, so I'm just watching for the inevitable abscess. I think she's happy to be back in with the rest of them, though.