In case any of you still eat at McDonalds: NEW INFO p.2

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Godmother said:
We have a lot to thank Jamie Oliver for, since he was the one who exposed this. I am grateful to say that I don't eat fast food burgers any more!

In fairness, from what I've read, McDonald's stopped "washing" meat in ammonium hydroxide over a year ago. The article on Facebook claims Jamie Oliver won a battle against McDonald's, but it's difficult to say if Jamie Oliver had anything to do with McDonald's decision. I should also point out that I can't stand Jamie Oliver. He claims to be interested in promoting animal welfare, but he's guilty of truly shocking abuse of animals. :(
I agree on Jamie Oliver, absolutely. And Kate, same here...I have never really run into any one person who was hostile or mean about my veganism, even the Texas folks. They are usually just curious and fascinated by it and ask questions. Nothing wrong with that! :)
KMG365 said:
Godmother said:
We have a lot to thank Jamie Oliver for, since he was the one who exposed this. I am grateful to say that I don't eat fast food burgers any more!

In fairness, from what I've read, McDonald's stopped "washing" meat in ammonium hydroxide over a year ago. The article on Facebook claims Jamie Oliver won a battle against McDonald's, but it's difficult to say if Jamie Oliver had anything to do with McDonald's decision. I should also point out that I can't stand Jamie Oliver. He claims to be interested in promoting animal welfare, but he's guilty of truly shocking abuse of animals. :(

Yikes, I didn't know that . Have never watched Jamie Oliver, so had no idea
He advocates/participates in animal cruelty.

Thanks, Kevin, for setting the record straight.

It is still safe to say that I don't hear anything about processed food that sets my mind at ease. Too much non-nutritive filler and absurd amounts of sodium and sugar and weird chemicals. McDonalds is just one of many; their aim is to make something that sells well and doesn't spoil easily and that makes a profit. Their goals are different from mine.