Important - Did you set your clock ahead last night?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Savannah, GA
Not sure if there is a post on this already. Last night was the night to set your clocks ahead an hour.

Spring ahead... try to tell the snow that!
I didn't... and when I woke up this morning and realized I had lost an hour, I was pretty pissed :x
I absolutely hate when we lose an hour. I'm always all screwed up the hole day.

We set it back last night before bed. Then I realized, I had to call my son to tell him that he lost an hour on his curfew and he had to get home now as opposed to an our later. He was not impressed.
HA! I got up at 8 and was unhappy to learn it was in all actuality 7. :shock: Ughhhh. Losing an hour stinks.
jorats said:
I absolutely hate when we lose an hour. I'm always all screwed up the hole day.

We set it back last night before bed. Then I realized, I had to call my son to tell him that he lost an hour on his curfew and he had to get home now as opposed to an our later. He was not impressed.


I solved the problem to this "losing an hour thing". I would never sacrifice an hour of my precious sleep. To avoid this, I do not change the time before getting to bed. Instead, I am doing it the next morning when I get up so the lost hour becomes an hour in the morning. It is like if I woke up an hour later.