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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
Oklahoma City, OK
Hi all,

I don't have alot of time right now, but I wanted to say hi and I've missed you all and your stories and pictures, and talking about my kids and sharing pictures.

We are three nurses short at work, and census is high, so I've been working 60+ hour weeks. Between that, and taking care of my zoo, and trying to keep up with laundry and dishes, computer time has gone by the wayside in a big way.

And I just was so heartbroken over all the losses I had in such a short time, along with so many of you here having so many losses as well, that the hours at work were a good distraction for me.

A quick update on the kids: I haven't had any deaths or even illnesses since Roger died. The boys are now free-ranging in their room all the time. I took all the doors off the three FNs, and they have a nice big Ferretrail tunnel around the room which they love playing in. They go to their cages to sleep, and on any particular day, I never know who is going to be in which cage. The only conflicts are still between Cyril and Larry, but that seems to be settling down some. The dynamics of the group are sure different without Simon and Roger - not better or worse, necessarily, just different.

Missed you all!
Welcome back KristyR!!!
I knew you would find your way back to us in time. And you needed a lot of time to get over your Roger and the others as well.
It sounds like the boys have adjusted and how lucky are they to have a room as their cage!!
Can't wait for new videos and pics of your sweeties!
Welcome back! I can imagine that you would have barely had time to sleep with a work schedule like that. Computers can eat up a lot of time, and you really needed a break.
Thanks guys!! It has been a stressful time, but things are looking up. The boys are loving having their whole room to play in. And I've discovered that they loooove tater tots more than anything else in the world.

My girls are still nutty as ever. They have six hammocks in their cage, and they still all pile into just one. Crazy ratties in a big ratty pile. Wish I could get a picture of it, but they scatter as soon as I walk in the door. Hmmm.... maybe I can set up the video camera on them. :scratch: