I think this intro is going to work!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
New Brunswick (central)
I am terrified of intros, after the experience with integrating Edith & Rhonda with Corrie and the girls. It took forever, there were a few bitten toes, and without SQ I doubt it would ever have been successul.

But things are going OK so far in the preparation to integrate Bill with Stella and the gang. Stella's group is just over a year; Bill is about five months, and he got neutered 2 1/2 weeks ago. I've been exchanging cloths between cages, and nobody got puffy. they have been in the playpen soon after one another without any puffing up since the first time (and that was Stella & Charlene, not Bill). Tonight I put Bill in the girls' cage and the girls in his cage.... not a single puffy rat!! Wow, I am encouraged. Soon it will be time to put some baby cereal and six rats in the bathtub. It would be heaven to have one less cage to clean.... and I want Bill not to be alone any more, poor sweetie.
That sounds great Godmother....yes one less cage would be nice :lol:
I hope the intros go good....Are you introducing him to the younger group? With the former foster girls in it?
I'm not sure how many groups you have.....
Right now I'm just introducing him to the group of 1 year olds whose cage he'll be moving into. they have a whole FN to themselves, so I hope they will adjust to sharing. When I get my two foster girls back from SQ I will also introduce them into the same cage. Bill will enjoy being with the young ones, I think.