I think I've got a pregnant rat!

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user 3028

Active Member
Apr 23, 2012
I usually don't buy my ratties from pet stores as I usually take in rescues or adopt from a rescue, but today I was in search of a friend or two for my lonely female Audrey as her cage mate recently passed away from old age. My usual sources for getting ratties were dry, so I found myself in a pet store.

I picked two pretty little girls and brought them home. And when I had the chance to take a good look I realized that one of them looks a little rounder than her sister. Now, I did have to give a bit of a lesson on sexing young rats to the employees of this store (which should have been a clue right off the bat as there was a silver blue male in the cage with them, all from the same litter), and advise them to cage the males separately from the females. But I didn't think to check before leaving the store to see if one of my girls may have gotten a bit of loving...

I don't normally deal with pregnant rats, so I'm a little clueless. Heck, she might not even really be pregnant but my gut feeling is that she is. So, here's a picture of little Izabella to give some idea of what she currently looks like.


(sorry if it's really big!)

She's round in a different way than a chubby rat would be so I'm really thinking she's got bubs in her belly. I do have spare cages so I can easily put her into her own cage, thankfully (I tend to never get rid of cages that my rescues have come to me in), but I'm a bit clueless about what special treatment a pregnant mama requires. Any suggestions would be most welcome!
oh my she sure looks pregnant! looks like she swallowed a tennis ball!

I myself know nothing about pregnant rats, sorry but I'm sure someone will come along soon who does

in the meantime, do you know how to do a forum search? if you go the health section, on the right hand corner there's a drop down thingie that lets you search for topics
there's plenty of threads on others who found themselves in this same position

Izabella sure is pretty! <3
I've read through all the posts I can find here on pregnant ratties so I'm hoping I'm doing everything right :) I've already got Izabella in a separate cage but within view of her litter-sister Valeriya and adopted sister Audrey. She had started nesting activity in their shared cage so it made sense to me to move her into her own with access to plenty of nesting material and a box to easily hide in. Izabella is such a sweet little girl, very trusting of me right from the start, so I'm hoping that she will let me check on any bubs that she has. I don't think it will be long until she starts the process of defurring her nipples either. My only major concern is that she is still very much a baby herself - at most she is six weeks old- but I'll keep an eye on her and do whatever I can to help, of course :)
She looks a little older than 6 weeks, but definitely pregnant. Its best to use/get a digital scale and weigh your little Momma once a day at the same time and record the weights. it can tell you how far along she is, if she reabsorbs, or how healthy the pregnancy is (lots of stalls and weight increases/decreases).
also you will want to give her paper towel as nesting material and remove anything that contains threads

as well as remove any hammocks and levels
She's got lots of paper towels in her cage, and no hammocks or anything with threads. The cage doesn't have levels either so it's all good there. I was given a manual scale today but I plan on buying a digital scale tomorrow after work. I also gave her some egg this morning and she nommed that right down.

I stopped by the pet store while I was out and about today and let them know what is going on...they offered to take her back! I made it clear that I have no intention of bringing her back, regardless of her being pregnant. They did offer to take her babies once they were weaned but I've already decided that won't be happening - depending on her litter size I'll either keep them all, or keep some and rehome the rest with people I know and trust.

Her litter-sister doesn't appear to be pregnant so this should be the only litter I have to deal with any time soon. It will be a learning experience, especially after living vicariously through so many posts here of oops litters and pregnant rescued mamas.
I'm in St. John's NL! I'm so hoping that Izabella does good with her litter - she's look like she's swallowed an orange whole right about now, and I am certain that I can feel the bubs move when I carefully run my hand along her belly. When she isn't turning her cage into a giant nest she is letting me hold her and have some snuggle time. She's a sweet little girl and it's hard to believe that I've only had her since Saturday!
That's great that you are going to keep her and not give the pet store any of the babies. Who knows what kind of homes they would get there. She definitely has a very pregnant belly from the looks of it! Fingers crossed for healthy babies :cheerful:
Yay! I'm so happy for you. It looks like she's being a great mom and they are so precious! :love5:
I carefully cleaned out the cage due to the bloody paper towel and Izabella didn't once get anxious! But in cleaning up the cage I did find that she actually gave birth to ten bubs but one didn't make it. Poor little thing :( My fingers are crossed that the rest make it through :) And I already have a feeling that I will have a very difficult time in letting any of them go...from five rats to 14 in one fell swoop!
Awwww! Congratulations, she really looks like a little darling. Those pinkies are precious. Hoping everything runs smoothly and they thrive. Sounds as though they are in good hands.
I checked in on the happy family tonight and all still looks good :) All the babies have milk bands so I'm hoping that they all make it. Izabella has started getting a bit nippy if I try to look at her babies while she's in the little box she has them in, but I fully expect that. I can't wait until the babies' fur starts coming in...this is so exciting!
Update on the babies! Their markings are starting to be noticeable now, and they have the cutest whiskers. I'm totally in love :D



Newest pic :) Seven days old and they've got a fine coat of hair coming in, and their markings are starting to be more noticeable!

Babies are so much fun... I just had my first liter this year (did not mate) rescue that came pregnant. I kept all the babies too...

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