I think I might go vegetarian?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2009
Byron, MI
I never new what PETA was, I thought it was just someones random blog or something that had a few animal cruelty videos on it. Well, today I went through and saw a ton of videos, I knew animals were probably being treated bad at big breeding places and slaughter houses for sure, but what I saw on those videos disgusted me.

I went to a slaughter house once for a school project for agriculture, and they slaughtered the chickens we raised, they were rough and didn't care about the birds at all, I guess that was being nice compared to how they are behind closed doors.

Well, I thought, being a vegetarian wouldn't be so bad, and I am making that little step towards helping all these animals, and doing my part. So I am going to try it, all I eat is chicken and ham anyways, I guess it wont be that bad cutting that stuff out of my diet.

Also I had an idea, I have some friends who do that "Myspace Whoring" on Myspace, or in other words, they have thousands of friends on Myspace? I guess its a hobby to them? Haha, but anyways I talked to them, and told them about the videos, and we are all going to send them around now, and that means that thousands of more people will see them.

What do you guys think? It's probably not going to do much, but were spreading the word a little bit.
Good for you. :joy: Think of all the lives you'll save. I've been vegetarian for five years now and I would never go back to eating meat. My boyfriend has been vegan since he was in highschool with no regrets. It's not only good for the animals, it's healthier for you as well. I could go on and on, but I won't. (at least not now anyways :wink2: )

If you'd like any recipes, food replacement suggestions or support, I'm only a mouse click away. :thumbup: Did you know that you can buy soy everything? (milk, cheese, meats-too many to list, icecream...)
I am all for animal rights and anti cruelty, but I enjoy eating meat. As for PETA, their intentions are good but their methods are off. They are known for attacking first and asking questions later. I do not support PETA.
But to each his own.
It is proven that eating red meat causes heart disease. It is also proven that becoming a vegetarian reverses the effects of heart disease. I'm starting to think we are just not meant to eat meat.
We also aren't meant to stand upright, but I don't think people will stop doing that any time soon.

Personally, I'd much rather deal with issues like deforestation than domestic animal issues. Hell, I'd rather deal with issues like poverty, hunger, and other societal issues before animal ones. My biggest problem with activist groups is that they place almost anything above the needs of humans, which in my mind is far more pressing and dire than how a cow is slaughtered.
Haha Jo, I agree.

BuncyTheFrog, some people may feel that way. I guess I just don't because I don't have any of that going on around me where I live, or at least not that I know of. I am only just turning 16, and I guess I just never payed attention to those sort of issues. Animals are very close to my heart, I have always loved animals ever since I was a newborn, I have always had animals in my life, always, so it breaks my heart knowing animals are being treated this way, you know?

I understand what you are saying though.

Maybe it is because I am younger, but sometimes I just feel most humans are stupid idiots. I mean, in my mind, all these billionaires, do they really need ALL that money? Or do they just enjoy having it? Yeah, I would too, and I know most of them worked really hard for that money, but what if they took a billion dollars and helped some other people out? Well, they never would first of all, but if they did, you would think it would help out a lot right? Well, half of the people might just take the money and spend it on drugs, alcohol, etc? You know what I mean? It's like, people don't want to help themselves? I don't know, maybe I am just babbling on and being a young idiot that doesn't know what the hell he is talking about, lol.
seanscritters said:
Maybe it is because I am younger, but sometimes I just feel most humans are stupid idiots. I mean, in my mind, all these billionaires, do they really need ALL that money? Or do they just enjoy having it? Yeah, I would too, and I know most of them worked really hard for that money, but what if they took a billion dollars and helped some other people out? Well, they never would first of all, but if they did, you would think it would help out a lot right? Well, half of the people might just take the money and spend it on drugs, alcohol, etc? You know what I mean? It's like, people don't want to help themselves? I don't know, maybe I am just babbling on and being a young idiot that doesn't know what the hell he is talking about, lol.

Look at it this way: our pets are the billionares in this world. Why are you spending money on your pets rather than using that money to help the animals who are being mistreated? There are always misbalances in the world, and there are always people who will not be willing to help others out. To that point though, there are many people sharing their wealth.

As for what people will do with that money, it's not just a matter of giving them money and expecting it all to work out. You have to invest in programs and the people themselves, just like you wouldn't solve animal abuse problems by throwing money at the problem.
Becoming a vegetarian is a personal choice and also a good one especially if you are doing it to take a stand against cruelty to animals.
We all have causes that are dear to our hearts, none are more or less important than the other.
The solution to animals being mistreated in slaughter is to stop supporting those that do it by no longer consuming meat or at the very least, not supporting those that do not abide by more humane slaughter regulations. Each person that makes that choice is making the world a better place- for humans and animals. Did you know that the more people that become vegetarian, the more land is available to grow food for humans to eat instead of feeding animals to slaughter. Eating meat is inefficient and no longer necessary. Vegetarianism is better for the individual, the animals, the planet, and other humans as well. Yes there are larger issues for the world to deal with, but we must make small choices in our everyday lives to see a big change. Each individual can and does make a difference when they choose a cruelty free lifestyle. Is anyone perfect? No, but we can always do our part and work towards making the world a better place one informed individual at a time.

(I do not support PETA, however, they do have some good videos and information.)
Now, as far as I know, on the PETA site I just watched videos, I didn't read that much. What is it really about? What do they really do besides go undercover or whatever?
Kayla said:
The solution to animals being mistreated in slaughter is to stop supporting those that do it by no longer consuming meat or at the very least, not supporting those that do not abide by more humane slaughter regulations. Each person that makes that choice is making the world a better place- for humans and animals. Did you know that the more people that become vegetarian, the more land is available to grow food for humans to eat instead of feeding animals to slaughter. Eating meat is inefficient and no longer necessary. Vegetarianism is better for the individual, the animals, the planet, and other humans as well. Yes there are larger issues for the world to deal with, but we must make small choices in our everyday lives to see a big change. Each individual can and does make a difference when they choose a cruelty free lifestyle. Is anyone perfect? No, but we can always do our part and work towards making the world a better place one informed individual at a time.

(I do not support PETA, however, they do have some good videos and information.)

Because playing devil's advocate is fun...

You know what would free up tons of resources and prevent a massive amount of animal suffering? Banning pets. Banning pets makes those nasty breeders go away, the neglectful owners, and just think of all of the food we can make instead of the pet food we pump out. Just think: instead of paying $300 for a cage, imagine all of the support you can give your community to help with the homeless, or women in need, or, well, pick a cause. Oh, and by just banning dogs, we'd prevent an estimated 87,000 ER visits (by human pet owners having spills caused by their dog) in the US alone a year (study cited in a SciAm mag).

I dunno, in my mind, pet owning and eating meat are along the same lines: it uses more resources and is arguably not needed, but it enriches our lives.

Edit: Just a few links for your consideration
Kayla said:
Did you know that you can buy soy everything? (milk, cheese, meats-too many to list, icecream...)

There is a HUGE difference between being Vegetarian and being Vegan. I think Seanscritters should do research into being Vegan before completely shutting out all diary products.

I was vegetarian for 2 years, and it did make me feel healthier. I also put on weight (which is an added bonus for me), and felt within my self that i was healthier. But i didn't do it for the animals - sorry to break all your hearts. i did it for medical reasons.

I've seen PETA's website, and it would not make me go back to being a vegetarian. I do not agree with extremists, and i do not support them. If i was going to be vegetarian again it would be because its something id thought of for a long time and not just a spur of the moment thing because of something i saw on the internet. If it was for the animals, i would do more research than just PETA...

or how about going Organic, buying free-range eggs from farms, and buying meat from butchers/farmers that meet regulations, maybe even growing your own veg? Not only are you helping the animals but your also helping the planet - and your health. Turning vegetarian does not make you a saint. Try looking in to farming and the way it ruins the earth
It's actually documented that pets help people to unwind and be healthier.

But... if someone told me that if I would give up all pets and this would ensure their total safety and remove all animal cruelty... I wouldn't have to think about it... I'd say YES!
jorats said:
It's actually documented that pets help people to unwind and be healthier.

But... if someone told me that if I would give up all pets and this would ensure their total safety and remove all animal cruelty... I wouldn't have to think about it... I'd say YES!
Ah yes, but there are other ways to make yourself happier and healthier than pets, just like there are other ways to gain the benefits of eating meats.

And well yes, if I could give up one thing to solve a global problem, so be it. However, pets are just one part of the animal suffering in the world. I'm trying to argue here that if one of your goals in being a vegetarian is to lessen animal suffering, it also makes lots of sense to lessen the support of the pet industry by not having them.
ryelle said:
or how about going Organic, buying free-range eggs from farms, and buying meat from butchers/farmers that meet regulations, maybe even growing your own veg? Not only are you helping the animals but your also helping the planet - and your health. Turning vegetarian does not make you a saint. Try looking in to farming and the way it ruins the earth

I eat Organic for this reason. I like my meat but I don't like the inhumane treatment of the animals that's why we eat organic as much as possible (50%) and when I'm away at school (95%). I have tons of friends who are veggies but they don't eat organic, and I argue with them that just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean you're not destroying the planet. I eat organic and try my best to support sustainable pet care. The world would be a better place if we all stopped and thought about our human impact on the planet. I care more about the planet than animal welfare or human rights (I don't believe in animal rights at all) because it was a gift to us and we should take care of it.
I just wanna put this out there:

There are a lot of studies being done on all sorts of things and many times the same thing. Often each one will come up with a different answer, especially as time goes on. SO... basically, everything can cause you harm. Everything can be good for you. Studies prove it. You have to take everything in moderation, though, for it to be even the tiniest bit beneficial to you.

Having said that, people really need to do *a lot* of research on things and see BOTH sides before making any huge decisions (like vegetarianism).
Then you decide what YOU think.. not what the studies say you should think.. and make your own choice.
That's how you'll find your truth. And your choice/truth is an opinion. Not the one and only "right thing". Never forget that. It will save you a lot of heartache and fighting with not so like-minded people.

If you do decide to become a vegetarian, I wish you the best. I hope you will also try and educate your family on your choice so they can help you be the best vegetarian you can be. :)
jorats said:
It is proven that eating red meat causes heart disease. It is also proven that becoming a vegetarian reverses the effects of heart disease. I'm starting to think we are just not meant to eat meat.

While this might be true, did they look at the average American diet, or people who actually ate the portion sizes they were supposed to eat? Portion sizes are out of control and of course too much of something is going to harm you in one way or another. I mean, a meat portion is the size of a deck of cards...4oz. When was the last time you went to a restaurant or even cooked a meal and that's all you ate?

While I hate the treatment of animals in slaughter houses, that wont prevent me from eating meat. If we 'wild' we would be eating meat and hunting. There are other ways of supporting animal rights by researching and opening peoples eyes so they see these conditions and they are improved.

PETA are extremists and should sometimes be taken with a grain of salt. Although you can't argue with their evidence!

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