I blame SQ - Update RIP Boomer

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Senior Member
Jan 18, 2013
Laval, QC
I always click the links that SQ posts even though I am too far away to help the rats in them, well two weeks ago I made the mistake of looking at rats in my area. There was a one year old rat for 10 dollars, the ad said he hadn't been handled in a while. Anyways I called every day for a week and there was no answer, at the beginning of this week I called and got the guy's daughter she said he was away and she would give him my name and number and he'd call me in a couple of days, no call. So I tried again today and got the guy's wife, they just got back from vacation and didn't have time to call me back. Anyways they will call me back tomorrow morning and I'm going to go get him.

This is the picture that did me in:

I know I'm new to rats and I'm still learning but I also know I can do better than this.
That picture is so sad .... I am so very glad that you will be making a difference in his life
I will be looking forward to hearing how he is doing and seeing happy rattie pictures.

Yes, that darn SQ - she has done that to a few of us... So she has struck again!!! :joy: :dance: :joy: :dance: Yes, you can absolutely do better than that - that rattie is going to be so happy to have found you!! :thumbup:
Oh my god, that photo just made me want to cry. I am SO glad you are getting this sweet one to give him a new life. That photo killed me. I would take him in a heartbeat too. Poor sweet thing. Seeing him sitting, facing the corner and just looking...lost and lonely. Oh man....WHY do people do this? By the way, what or who is "SQ"? I was not sure? Please let us know when you get him and how he is doing. I cannot wait to see some new updated photos of this poor baby in a happy home.
Vladina said:
By the way, what or who is "SQ"? I was not sure? Please let us know when you get him and how he is doing. I cannot wait to see some new updated photos of this poor baby in a happy home.
She's a member on the shack. :)
Doh, sorry about that, I just saw that SQ is a member here on the shack. Sorry, SQ!

That photo is really disturbing me, so I was hoping someone who knows the details about this guy could clarify something? There seems to be absolutely nothing inside that cage for this poor guy, not even water or food, let alone toys, hidey huts or or anything. Surely this person is not keeping this boy alive with no food or water, and at best I was hoping against hope that maybe there are some more details that might allow me to sleep tonight...such as, maybe they had just cleaned his house out for a photo and had not put everything (or at least his survival basics) back into the cage or SOMETHING that would offer some small sigh of relief? I am grasping at straws because I just can't believe this is how he lives every day, with not a smidge of anything in his cage. Any extra info? :sad3:
Such an up setting photos, poor little baby. Thank you for giving this little one a chance of a real home, I'm sure your provide a wonderful home and the loving care he deserves.
So he's home, he did have a water bottle, water dish and two food bowls filled with seed mix and dog food, "because rats love dog food", and wood chips not sure what kind but they smell strongly, and nothing else not even a place to hide. The guy told me he hasn't been handled in a while and that he cries when people try to touch him. He does make the most pitiful sound when I pet him. I will post some pictures as soon as I get his cage cleaned out and set up.
Poor baby. I'm awaiting those pictures of his new home, I'm sure he'll be very happy with you! <333
Oh I am so relieved you have him. Your post still made me so sad when I read that he makes "the most pitiful sound" when you pet him. I have never heard a rat do anything other than an annoyed squeak from one of my boys when his brother irritates him, so I have no idea what kind of sound this poor baby is making. But it makes me hurt in my heart. WHY would someone have a rat with nothing in his house and no physical contact????? What possesed this person to get this rat in the first place if he has no interest in him whatsoever?? And this is how this poor rat has been living for a YEAR?? :redhot:

(sorry, I am so mad at this guy, just venting, I apologize)
That's similar to Kiki when I brought him home... and Charlie (Nancy adopted him) and Kimmy (a failed foster) and Maggie (an elderly rat I adopted years ago)... he'll be so much happier once he has FRIENDS and he'll be more social and comfortable with humans. People really piss me off... how can you not see that your pet is miserable? What's the point???
Agreed Victoria, exactly. What is the point? Why have a pet in the first place when you don't care, don't interact or offer love or proper attention? I just will never understand it. :gaah:
I'm so glad this little boy has a chance at a real life now! You will have to convince him that some humans (you) are really awesome. :)
Can't wait to see pics!
I can't wait either. Looking forward to seeing this sweet boy bloom and be happy. He deserves so much love. :heart: