Hopes & Prayers for Ellie Please!

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Senior Member
Jul 23, 2007
Victoria BC
My sister's dog Ellie is very sick. She needs your prayers & hopes please! None of us love ratties any more than Ellie does, she's always respected mine, never tried to hurt or bother them, never laid a hand on one. She always sniffs me & me purse out for them when I visit my sister, and when I babysit her she sits on the bed whining, totally focused on the cage just waiting for a kid to poke their head out of a hidey-house. My kids all come & go from their cage to the bed during their regular outings, and any that found Ellie suddenly there had to adjust, some were wary at first, some challenged and Ellie backed off. Not one quit coming to the bed. Ellie's always loved them all but has always had her favorites. Sumone was her first love, then Smitty (in the video) her 2nd. My rats don't usually run on the floor (Smitty was an exception) so this is the 1st time Ellie saw one on the floor.
I know this is a huge video, I tried to edit in light of Ellie's problems, but couldn't, please just skim enough to know she's one of us true heartfelt Rattie Lovers, and say [glow=red:3isa5kgz]prayers & hopes for her recovery PLEASE[/glow:3isa5kgz]. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_WZliZbzQQ Thankyou.
oh what a sweet pupper! sending prayers her way for sure!
whether she loves rats or not, she deserves to be well.

what do they think is wrong with her?
Oh my goodness gracious. between your voice, elli's sweet amazing awesomeness, and the wee rat, that wins movie of the year in my book!

What's going on with your sweet doggy?

Many hopeful healing warming loving vibes being sent to that amazing lovely sweet pup <3
What a sweet little pooch Ellie is, so gentle towards your Rattie. I agree with mia9_28 super cute watching your rattie chase Ellie around. I hope she gets better soon poor girl.
Rat lover or not, they all deserve a good healthy life and should get our prayers and healthy healing vibes.
Stay strong Ellie!!!
Thankyou all so much! I'm grateful. I believe in the power of hope & prayer and since neither my sister or I go to church I knew Ellie would get her best support here, after me of course, I've been praying like crazy.I pray Ellie feels ok (she has good pain meds) but mostly that somebody will able to tell my sister & her hubby what's going on. Ellie is truly their child (my sister never had a human child). She's everything to them, as well as beloved by everyone who meets her and she loves ratties heart & soul. It's not good, she's been to the vet 3 times recently and nobody knows what's going on. A golfball size fissula in her shoulder where she had an abscess, liquid in her ear that shouldn't be there and has started to extend to the other ear. Today she has 'marks' on her lips. She wasn't eating til her daddy bought & cooked her a chicken, now she's eating but still losing weight. A rescue, they don't know how old she is. How much to put her thru (she's got tubes) or when to let go. They've spent tons but the doctors just dont know. If they knew they'd make the right decision for Ellie. But they just don't know. It doesn't look good, but who of you would give up when your baby might be ok? and Who would put their kid thru pain & misery if there was not better outcome?
They don't have any vet info to make a decison, the vets are stymied. That's why I'm praying for a sign for them now, as well as Ellie's comfort.
I know for sure that sincere prayers of even strangers can help in some way. A phone call can reach there, why not a prayer? We've all been amazed to see groups of animals act in sync, there's a communication line us humans have lost. But it's there, and prayer may access it. Nobody can change what's going to happen with Ellie, but I believe she feel all your prayers for her comfort. And my sister will find some peace thruot this and eventually
And Ellie, honest she is the most gentle loving dog I ever saw. And her greatest love in life apart from her parents has been my ratties. And in my grief I know she's had the prayers & hopes of the most sincere
Honestly thankyou so much. Anyone that bothered to even look at the video long enough to see Ellie as the sweet gentle soul she is.. I just ask you pray for my sister & her hubby to finally find something that will tell them what to do for her. That's really all they want at this point, all these dollars "Please just tell me what to do for my baby".
I will pray hard for you, your sister, and Ellie. I hope and pray the vets can find out something to help you guys figure out what is the best direction to go for Ellie. I am truly sorry there have been no answers yet. Just know that thoughts and prayers are going out from our family to yours. :heart:
Wednesday night Deb said they were going to have her PTS thursday to spare her suffering, but thurday she said tho 2nd biopsy showed nothing, their regular vet wants to try prednisone as a last-ditch trial..It just just sucks that 2 vets are stymied, multiple tests give no answers, and they don't know how old she is so don't know if they can even say it's just her time. They just want to make the right decision for Ellie, but have no guidelines, and they're in such torment. I'm so grateful to all who have answered said prayer or hopes, I believe Ellie feels your love, god hears your hopes, and something/anything will happen to help them make a decision they can find comfort in.
I saw Ellie Sunday. She's lost so much weight, she's got owies everywhere, holes in ears & shoulder, some from vet tubes, some from whatever's eating at her, recent lip bumps & swollen nipples, you can smell infection on her. My sister's a nurse and that's her baby, (circumstances deprived her of children), she's doing everything humanly possible for Ellie's comfort in all ways. Their vet didn't even charge for the last 2 visits, it's killing everyone that nobody knows how to help her.... Very sick little dog...
I took my Sirocco & Boomer ratties to visit her. Sick as she is she perked up to see them and lay right near the cage making the whiny noises she's always made when I babysat her here and she'd lie for hours watching their cages... Her whines were always emotionally pathetic, but this time they were heartrending as she didn't have the strength to put the same volume into them. But she never took her eyes off the cage, and when I picked it up to leave she followed us to the kitchen door, tho when I came it was the first time she didn't come to the door to greet me.
She started prednisone that day, I hope to hell prednisone can heal her body. Mom says she seems a little better. I know the ratties healed her dpression some.