homeless pit bull in auburn ny cant find any rescues

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
here is the story:

Im a softy and so is my bf. He brings home this unsocialized female pitbull, the owners are moving dont want her or cannot take her or whatever. Well. She has been shut in a house about 99% of the time with no outside time meaning NOT housebroken, DOG aggression, she is a very happy pit bull besides being not treated properly. I'd say a home with older children, she's been fine with mine but mine can test the patience of a saint. SHe is chocolate and white, her ears are naturally standing up straight which adds character to her. She is 1 1/2 years old, had a litter of pups in february. She needs a firm but gentle owner. Since she is DA she is in the kennel downstairs with outside time and some loving, she doesnt seem to like the puppy much so she is not allowed up in the house. But at least she is not shut in a room 24/7 and gets to go outside.







Moon said:
She's been bred, look at those teets :(

I hope you guys find somewhere for her :(

yea the previous owner had bred her, she had had a litter of pups in feb. I did find a home for her out in the country. He owns lotsa land and has alot of it fenced in so she can run and play finally!!

Another puppers finds a good home.

How everyone here is passionate about rats..i am about pitbulls and horses...dont get me wrong i love me some rats too...lol