
The Rat Shack Forum

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Jan 27, 2016
Hello everyone!

I'm new to this forum. I've been (and still am) part of other forums (rat and otherwise) and groups.

I'm a first time rat owner and have done research (before and ongoing) on my girls. I'm always constantly trying to learn new things about rats. My first rat mom experience has been wonderful and I enjoy every minute of it. I've stated that I will never have a rat-free home ever again, and I most definitely what to try to stick to this as best I can.

With that said, I have two beautiful female Himalayan dumbo rats (along with a Syrian hamster and two cats). My rats names are Ana and Elsa. Yes, after the characters from Frozen, though it's not because I was a Frozen fanatic at the time. It was simply because they are sisters (Ana and Elsa are sisters), both white (color of snow) and their personalities match those of the characters. XD

Jade is our hamster, Tygra is our 14 year old cat and Lincoln (Link - from Zelda - for short) is our 9 month old cat.

We have a nice furry and happy little family. :)