Help - Rat fell from table (in a box)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
I'm hoping for some help/advice here. I was in another room cleaning out the babies cage and my daughter was rat-sitting the four rats on the kitchen table. One of them ran into a small/light pasta box that wasn't near the edge when I left the room, but somehow, it got pushed either by his force or maybe one of the others pushed it before he ran into it...But the box fell from the table to the floor with him inside. My daughter claims it was just one rat (Rudy who is 15 mos), but one of the babies was also terrified when I came into the room. I hadn't heard the fall and she didn't tell me until I asked her why they were acting funny. Now I'm kicking myself for leaving the room and will never do that again.

Rudy is usually very friendly, but wouldn't come out of hiding, along with the one baby (7 weeks). He looks traumatized and his eyes were totally bugging out of his head (I assume from the stress). No blood and he is moving. I put him back in the cage and gave him some treats, which he ate. He's now just laying on his igloo house. How can I tell if he's ok? Signs to look for? Help...I'm not sure what to do, but the vet is available for another 1.5 hours. Can someone advise? I felt just terrible and am having some tears. I'm worried about my baby...
He's sounds extremely startled. If he's alert, accepting food, and walking fine I would keep a veryvery close eye on him to make sure he doesn't develop a limp, fuss over a certain area, or squeak while being handled. I'm sure someone else can be more help. :(
Rats are pretty hardy, and usually don't get injured too easily. It's a hard call. The vet would probably just put them under observation and see how they are doing. If the vet is going to be closed for the night soon, I think I would rather have them at home so at least you can check on them periodically and make sure they're OK. Maybe take them in for an initial evaluation, and then if nothing is detected, take them back home for the night?
The baby is probably just scared. Things to watch for are very pale gums (should be pink) or being very cold -> a sign of shock, not using a limb(s) or limping/dragging, not eating (but may not eat if scared), blood from any orifice, swelling of the abdomen, squeaking when touching a certain spot, etc. It's just like dealing with anyone injured - you watch them, and see if they are doing or displaying anything abnormal. It's fine if they're just skittish - THEY don't know WHAT the heck happened! Don't beat yourself up about it - stuff happens. Just learn from it and adjust your activities accordingly. Y'know? :stickpoke:
Point taken, Jo. Thanks to you & Cigar for your responses. He is a bit in shock, but is doing better. He just ate a treat in my lap, kissed me and is now starting to move around again instead of sitting in that clingy/frightened pose. He also just marked me, which I will take as a compliment :) He's grooming now and not squeaking (which is actually unusual for him - he's a verbal boy)...abdomen looks normal, but I'll watch him closely. The vet we see was not in tonight, but the receptionist talked me through things. I feel much better. And the baby is fine. I think it was just shock as he went back to being rambunctious when I put him back in his cage. Anyway thanks all...I think it's time to set up a play area in the upstairs bathroom and scrap the whole kitchen table and learn... :doh:
Rat falls are common and seldom cause issues but it can happen. You are getting great advice, not much more I can add.
Might think about finding a new playing spot for the boys. :wink2: