Heard this little "sawing" sound...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
California, U.S.A
from behind my "rat clubhouse" underneath the desk.

Pulled the clubhouse out only to find Basil gnawing away at the wood moulding at the base of the wall! :shock:

Lord, you should see my condo now! Between both Ben and Basil, I have carpet corners without pyle... a fireplace hearth freed from the paint which once graced its exterior and now... wall base moulding in a classic, splintered, state.

Since the boys only seem to wreak their havoc in hidden places; I think I will protect the walls, they tend to favor, with plexiglass. I don't care about the carpet. I fully planned on replacing it with wood floors before I even bought the condo. :)

I don't want to trap my little men in a playpen. Ben is so happy under the couch. I often find his little nose poking out of the Trader Joes paper bag I have down there for him to hide in.

While on the subject... did I mention my futon couch? I'm sure there is a very logical explanation as to WHY they use the cushions to pee on. I'm sure it must be connected with their love of shredding the pillow shams, chewing holes through the couch cover and making little peek-a-boo patches in the throw... :laugh4:

By the grace of God... I still manage to maintain my sense of humor and dote on my little guys. Fortunately, I have enough intelligence to know NOT to feed them their treats anywhere other than in their cage.

Bosc Pears are the new rage with a little piece of cheese. :love6:
I feel your pain. We haven't done much renovating either and it's exactly because of the rats. I'm waiting till my little guys get their own bedroom before we change the floors and cupboards.

Surely you know, peeing on cushions make them prime rat property.
Oh, I know how you feel! the rat room is missing big chunks of baseboard, the corners are chewed, a hole has somehow been drilled in the wall, and a large area of wall has been stripped. Bye-bye damage deposit!
jorats said:
I feel your pain. We haven't done much renovating either and it's exactly because of the rats. I'm waiting till my little guys get their own bedroom before we change the floors and cupboards.

Surely you know, peeing on cushions make them prime rat property.

Thanks Jo, it helps to know that others share in the trials and tribulations of rat ownership. :)

From what I've heard; Ferrets are much more destructive and cats will claw down walls and blinds. Considering these facts... I think I was wise to share my home with little rat forms. :love6:

Ooops... prime rat property was washed in the hot cycle with a healthy amount of detergent.

Oh well... my boys have plenty of pee in their little reserves. :laugh4:
Too true...

Ok, so here's proof of destruction at my place, this is what happens when you let them roam free. :roll:

ratamataz said:
Oh, I know how you feel! the rat room is missing big chunks of baseboard, the corners are chewed, a hole has somehow been drilled in the wall, and a large area of wall has been stripped. Bye-bye damage deposit!

OY!!!! Your management is going to LOVE you!!!! :rofl5:

A hole has been drilled into the wall??? You really have to wonder just how they pull these things off! :shock:

It would be awesome to be a fly on the wall to see them in action. Sometimes my little guys pull off things that have me wondering for ages... but I don't think the rats will ever be willing to share their secrets with me. 8)
I have a couple of holes in my wall too. I don't understand what it is about drywall that they like to sink their teeth in. And... I'm concerned just how bad it is for them?