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New Member
May 13, 2018
I've had Ion and Zephyr for a little over two weeks now.
They're proving a challenge to socialise but I'm getting there.

Yesterday I went to the vet after Zeph had started sneezing, squeaking and nodding his head continually (I ratphoned and he sounded wheezy). She said it was highly likely he had a URI, and prescribed a 2 week course of 0.25 ml of baytril for both of the rats, but I'm not sure why Ion would need it as he seems fine.

Anyway, Zeph is already worse, sitting in a corner puffed up and refusing anything but rice krispies. I phoned the vet and she said to carry on with the antibiotic for another week and then review. These are my first rats and despite the short time I've had them, I love them dearly.

Thought I'd let you all know and I'll update later.
Take him back to the vet, or a different vet knowledgeable about treating rats
If it is happening this fast it may be a secondary infection and he needs something in addition to the baytril, such as clavamox asap. Antibiotics take a few days to start to make a difference and secondary infections kill fast.
Depending on how ill he is, he may need other meds such as dexamethasone or possibly lasix
When antibiotics help, then the rat needs to stay on them for 4 to 6 weeks, if they do not help or do not help enough then the rat needs different antibiotics, or antibiotics added to the one being given
Amount given depends on the weight of the rat and the strength of the medication

Is he still eating and drinking? It can be hard to eat and breath at the same time
Try giving him organic soy infant formula thickened with baby cereal because it is easy to eat, will provide nutrition and will help keep him hydrated (dehydration kills)
You can also try soaking his blocks in cool water to make much, and giving other soft foods such as cooked sweet potato, baby food, etc
To check his hydration, gently pull up the skin on the back of his neck and let go. If his skin does not snap back into place, he may be dehydrated.

ratguide.com is a vet approved medical site for rat owners
I've found another vet, the earliest I can get an appointment is tomorrow afternoon. Zeph is better than he was - is eating, drinking and moving a little, although he is snuffling and sneezing still.

I have a bigger problem now. Literally 5 mins ago, Ion started making noises that sound as though is has a significant amount of mucus in his lungs. It sounds raspy now, almost like their water bottle when they drink from it. The noise started off more like rubber squeaking but I'm really concerned now. The emergency vet does not have much experience with rodents and told me to bring him in tomorrow, but keep an eye in the meantime.

I am in the UK, cannot send a video as of present but I'll try tomorrow
share the links I posted above, and if you do a search on breathing in ratguide.com, other articles will come u - they give symptoms and treatment etc

A video would be a big help .... post it to youtube and copy the link on here
The sooner the better because due to time differences, and work etc people can not always see posts or respond to them n a timely fashion

I hope he makes it to tomorrow :(
If he gets bad, he may need to be humanely put to sleep, most vets do not know how to do it properly - rat is given the gas/oxygen mix used for surgery, once unconscious to at least a surgical level (vet tests for blink reflex in eye, and gently inches toes), then the rat is injected, rat is kept deeply unconscious with the gas/oxygen mix until dead ...................... it is essential that rat owners make sure it is done properly and be present if at all possible to comfort their rattie and to make sure it is done humanely