Game- The rat below me

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Yes, my rat Meh only walks on the wheel when strangers come visiting, if not, all he does is snooze on it.

The rat below me refuses to be litter trained nor learns tricks :(
Most of mine fail at litter training, Icy does a great come when called.

The rat below me is facing major challenges today
My baby is losing her sister and being (hopefully) introduced to her new friends in the next couple days.

The rat below me has a bad habit of trying to steal food from their owner.
yes yes yes! it's like jar jar is fighting for her life when really she just wants a noodle or something -_- but then iggy is always steeling food from her so i gotta give her the treat first

the rat below me looves to sleep in shredded paper?
Yep! Lilith loves making nests out of shredded paper, tissue, and cotton.

The rat below me loves to poop in their hammock...
Hm I dont know, probably not. Both my boys are too busy to be a therapy rat LOL

The rat below me has won over people who claim not to like rats.
Indeed, Moo has helped changed the perspective of many people through his silly antics and greedy ways.

The rat below me has recently put on weight!
That would be my 5 big boys - they seem to have become porkers and are in need of a diet and vigorous exercise!! Daddy has to lay off giving them excess treats

The rat below me likes to escape out of the cage while its being cleaned.
Nope. My boys are too lazy, and I can't clean the cage with the girls in it due to one being highly cage aggressive. They get either put in the play pen while I'm cleaning, or on the couch with the boyfriend to watch over them.

The rat below me likes to go places with their Mommy/Daddy.
yes, i oretty much take jar jar everywhere, whetehr it be short trips into town or upstairs.

the rat below me only cuddles on their terms?
Yes! Chloe my tilty girl only comes out and crawls over me to say hello when she wants to.
Otherwise, I have to pick her up and DEMAND cuddles!! Then she gets smooshy kisses all over her face for as long as she will let me....which isn't long, haha.

The rat below me loves to pop-corn.
Not at all. I dont think my boys understand it. I got them at 8 weeks, and they are my first rats, and I didnt really understand how to play with them or hand wrestle to get them to pop corn. So we just never did it. I try occasionally and think I am getting better at hand wrestling, but they just kind of give me this funny confused look.

The rat below has a wheel and loves it.
Sake is a huge fan of her wheel. We have to take it out at night because it keeps us awake - but as I put it in the next day she's usually in it before it's attached to the side. She sleeps in it and bathes in it too. She also likes sleeping near it. Standing by it. Looking at it... She's running in it as I am typing this.



The rat below me likes to clean eyebrows.
Not quite! But they love to clean my teeth, tongue, cheeks, lips, nose... Haven't made it to the eyebrows yet!

The rat below me likes to escape during play time and free roam around the room.
Er... Sorta lol my rats are already free roam so I guess it's not really escaping :p

The rat below me feels to chew up all the koolest and expensive things til nothing is left?
*fingers crossed* Nothing yet! My two boys arent really much for chewing our things, we also dont really let them. I think they know they would be in big trouble!

The rat below me sometimes spends what seems like days in one hammock or cozy spot, sleeping and being ultra lazy.
A few of my boys. I purchased a tree stump house and some of them seem like they never leave. I think if they do another rat will take it since they live with large numbers.

The rat below me loves to sniff the other rats mouth to see what treat (meds) they just got.