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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
United States
Let Orangish tell you a story...

I was scrolling down tumblr and saw this:



So I responded with this:

"Hiya! Cute babies, but … I’m kind of worried- that’s not their full time cage is it? It looks really small and quite dirty. D: "

So the owner proceeds to message me with this:



The top cage is Cosmo’s cage, and any rat owner knows that rats throw food around it can’t be avoided.

& that bottom one is Gizmo’s cage, and again with RATS THROW FOOD AROUND.

I clean my cages often, and scrub and vaccum everything out, and bath my rats.

So don’t reblog my photos and say very rude things when you don’t know me or how I take care of my animals."

UH. WHEN WAS I RUDE!? Your cage is FILTHY and you're saying you clean it all the time.

So, anyway, I respond with this:

"Okay again, I didn’t say anything rude… I was worried about your rats and if you’re going to be immature about it, then at least respond when I send you a reply back so I can SORT this out. I simply said the cages looked to small from the angle the picture was taken so please don’t get all flustered.

However, if you’d like me to comment on the cages now that I can see what they are like, I kindly will. And, because you showed me this attitude I will gladly return it with a smile:

-Not enough enrichment

-Too close to an electrical socket.

-not enough bedding to sustain the waist of rats

-news paper ink can cause digestive problems in rats

- rats are very active creatures that like to run and climb, so with a cage that size they need lots of floor time.

-Invest in some babywipes (unscented.) giving rats a bath can cause ear infections. It doesn’t happen all the time, but better to be safe than sorry!

-i’d invest in a wheel.

-Rats are better in pairs, not a single rat by themselves.

-Seed food shouldn’t be the only thing offered in their diet as it can cause quite a bit of problems later on

—Next time someone shows concern for one of your pets, try responding in a kind manner explaining what is going on instead of being an emotional wreck and accusing them of being rude.

I’m on four different rat forums and often see people come in with little hamster cages and wonder why their rats are bored or depressed and complain when people actively tell them that they NEED. BIGGER. CAGES.

It’s not that we’re being rude, we’re trying to take into thought what is best for this animal.

If you have any questions ILL BE GLAD to answer them, but just know I will project back any attitude I am given.

Have a lovely day."

I'm so mad!!
That cage is way too small, way too boring way too NASTY and she's telling me that IM the rude one?!
Lol idk if responding back like that will solve the issue and immaturity with that level they will just come back with an attitude of how you are dumb or wrong and to just shut up.... That's the sad part about people like that but at the same time? :thumbup: that response totally made me laugh he definitely deserved it that is for sure and it's infuriating to anyone when they see rats taken so poorly taken care of but the owner is to immature to be open minded and take advice that would help their pet I hate people who buy a rat for 10$ at the store so think its the cheapest pet in the world and their care for that "10$ pet" clearly reflects how they really feel for that animal and in my opinion they shouldn't even call it a pet at that point. "Victim" or "My prisoner" would be much more suiting when they take care of their rats in such a clearly poor manner
Thank you Ace! I know rat cages can get dirty and sometimes we just want to sob and wish it would clean itself... but theres a fine line between NOT wanting to clean and cleaning anyway- and Not wanting to clean and not cleaning.
I wish rats had better protection laws. I bet who ever abused an animal or mistreated had to go through a 2 week camp of "Animal Abuse Bootcamp" where they had to suffer everything they made that animal endure would be a lot better pet owner.... I can throw him in a shower until he is sopping wet and cold and then toss him in a concrete box and feed him nothing but peanuts, with no bathroom change of clothes or anything but water and peanuts and a nice small concrete box and no human interaction. Bet that would open him eyes to how to better treat animals
yes alone , in dirty cage and with someone who doesn't want to improve all that, because this person thinks to be more clever than others, :( it's sad, poor rats !
Poor babies. Those cages looked disgusting. And dull. What are they supposed to do all day? Sit around in a tiny space and stare out? They can't even burrow or rearrange things. They don't even get to be together.
How sad. It's scary sometimes how people can be so close-minded and immediately bristle at the slightest hint of criticism...and you weren't even criticising, just asking a question! It was good of you to try talking sense to her, but as others are saying, it's hard to change the attitude of someone so immature and defensive. The fact that you didn't criticize this person at all in your first message but they still responded as if you had tells me that deep down, they know they aren't doing right. Perhaps you haven't been the first to say something to them.
I don't think I have been. Oivey, it just bothers me. I'm getting ready to go see if they've responded yet- I suppose we'll see! If nothing else, I'll just direct them to ratshack and see if you all can't talk some sense into them!