FN pictures

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SoA, I am so envious of your cage.

I am going to go and get a sewing machine this weekend. So I might need some pointers on how to make your hidey hole hammock. That last pic is just so adorable.
I love the different levels of hammocks. I should definitely try that as the one in the big open space just droops, lol.
Here's mine right now. It's a little messy, hasn't been cleaned in a few days. lol. It lacks toys though.. I need to go buy some. =O Not the best in fabric, I ran out of fleece and didn't have anything fun to make hammocks with, so I need to go buy some fleece and stuff too... Once I get pretty fleece hammocks made and up, I'll post new pictures. :wink:

Anyone happen to know of any intructions anywhere on how to make a cube hammock? My ratties would love me forever if I made them some. :D

Full cage:

Top half:

Bottom Half:

Yes.. it says 'soap' lol. Dont ask. XD
Looks great, I see it's modified, you have escape artists. :wink:
What's that square/rectangle thingie on the shelf, it looks like it's made of fabric?

Ooh, look at the rattie on the door! an acrobat. lol
jorats said:
Ooh, look at the rattie on the door! an acrobat. lol

ahahahahahahah OOOO I didn't notice it until you said!! haha I love FNs and can't wait to get one myself but sadly it's not going to be until I have my own house adn I can have a RATROOOOMMM ....lets say within the next 5 years!
Amy, that's quite doable. Right now, I'm counting on a rat room too, in maybe the next 5 years, I have to wait for one of my teenage boys to move out though.lol Ok, so maybe the next 10 years. Kids don't seem to be leaving the nest anymore. :roll:
starfoot said:
jorats said:
Ooh, look at the rattie on the door! an acrobat. lol

ahahahahahahah OOOO I didn't notice it until you said!! haha I love FNs and can't wait to get one myself but sadly it's not going to be until I have my own house adn I can have a RATROOOOMMM ....lets say within the next 5 years!
LOL I had to look a few times until I found the ratty.
jorats said:
Amy, that's quite doable. Right now, I'm counting on a rat room too, in maybe the next 5 years, I have to wait for one of my teenage boys to move out though.lol Ok, so maybe the next 10 years. Kids don't seem to be leaving the nest anymore. :roll:

Oh it's doable alright.. and will happen, but I'm only 20 living with my parents with no house of my own, and I'd love a rat room, well, now? :D
New cage pictures :) I did a major cleaning last night, and switched everything around in the cage.


Top right:


Top left:


Bottom left:


Bottom right:

jorats said:
Looks great, I see it's modified, you have escape artists. :wink:
What's that square/rectangle thingie on the shelf, it looks like it's made of fabric?

Ooh, look at the rattie on the door! an acrobat. lol

I did have one girl the second night get out over and over, So I went ahead and modified the entire thing. =)

The rectangle thingy, well. I'm not entirly sure. LOL. It's a wire thing I found for 99 cents so bought two of them, and then covored them in fabric to make little houses out of. This is actually it. Just covored in fabric. =P

haha. Yeah, she took off at the first chance she got. :D
This is just the top... I was really just taking pictures of all the boys being crazy, but it's a good FN pic. They all came up to the top level when I started taking pictures. Little ham rats! I'll have to take some pics of the bottom half soon.

jorats said:
That's a nice big corner litter pan.
Aww... and the Kladder is my favourite, it always looks so good in a cage.

I love the way it looks too. I have a smaller one in the girls' cage. Boys and girls both just ignore it though. Well, at least it keeps looking good that way!

I got some new cage accessories put in after I took the pics. Will have to take some more after today's cleaning.
There are a few little chew marks on the very bottom, but they mostly just ignore it. I've moved it several times, trying to get it where they can't ignore it. The same one has been hanging in the boys' cage since August, and it looks almost good as new. The girls have actually had theirs for a week or two longer. The girls seem to prefer ripping fleece to shreds and using it to redecorate.
Ok, here's from yesterday with some new stuff in it. Yikes, the little baskets they used to sleep in are about done for!

The top:

The bottom:

And the whole thing: