FN pictures

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Ok, I got some recent pics of my old crew cage. It used to be a triple FN but I had to block off the top level. It was too far up for them. But they are quite confortable in their double FN. So what to do with the top? Why... hold all their fleece of course. :wink:

Here are some pics:




But I bet if they did have access to the top, they'd be in seventh heaven with all that fleece. lol
Hey everyone! i just found this forum, and figured I should share pictures of my own FN.




It currently holds 8 rats - 4 on top, 4 on bottom. The only reason they're seperated is because I haven't had the time to finish putting hardware cloth around the top half of the cage. All my rats freerange together and share the ame cage on cleaning day.

I feel really embarassed posting in here as my cage seems rather unworthy.

This is minus the Kleenex boxes and toilet paper rolls they love carrying around. Also, there's a mini-hammock out of view that's underneath the shelf. It fits two!


As you can see, I need an interior designer. I've tried hanging bird toys but they ignore them (as all my rats have). The ones that hang out on the floor seem to be alright but they don't seem too enthused about them so I stopped buying them. What can I do with my picky girls to entertain them?
Bronwyn, no need to apologize for your nice cage! Your crew have soft and spacious quarters, with places to hide or hang out.

Pretty colours and coordination are definitely for the Martha Stewrat Living ratty-mamas, not the ratties. :rofl2: Mine take a clean and beautiful cage and have it messy looking in about five minutes..... But for those five minutes it looks so pretty!!

Thanks sooo much. I was actually stressed about posting it, lol. I had just done a clean-out as well of toys that were too used and had to be tossed so it feels extra empty now. But after having this thing for two months now it had to be done!

Thanks for the suggestion, Melissa, hopefully they'll climb something that's semi-horizontal. The vertical hanging bird toys were ignored by them, silly girls.
It's been a while since I've posted pictures, so here are some from this morning :)

I went on a sewing spree, so everyone got new duds!




I didn't put too many of the new hammocks in the cage, since it breaks my heart a little every time they chew on them :p So, I'm pacing their destruction!








Everyone in the new peekaboo hammock :)


Lucky ratties! I wish my room looked like theirs. :lol:

reachforthestars take out everything after "jpg" and see what happens!
Wow! Spoiled rotten ratties, and they look very happy about it. :lol:

I love your peekaboo hammocks, and I love all of the fabrics. My ratties are asleep right now, or they would be getting envious.....
Stunning! I really wish I could sew. Seeing that pile of beautiful hammocks makes my rats very jealous. :D When I am done school I think I will try taking a sewing class.

How dare they sew moms beautiful hammocks... heheh

(PS I want to steal your PEW!)
Sewing hammies is really easy, it's just a whole lot of straight lines :) About three years ago my aunt gave me a sewing machine and "taught" me how to sew. I put it in quotes because, well... she's not the most patient person so if you don't understand something right away, she's not going to re-explain it. I figured it out after a while on my own, and haven't looked back!

P.S. - I have three PEWs ;) Russia (dumbo PEW who refused to come out for cage pictures because he was sleeping), Nigel (big-boy PEW, seen getting into litter box in one of the pics), and Eva (girly PEW, seen in quite a few pics!)
Most recently Nickelrat has taught herself how to sew with some help from mom... she's getting quite good too. She makes it look so easy but there's no way I would have the patience for sewing. :lol:
I sew for hours and hours, and the only reason I'm able to do so is because I can't wait to see the finished product. It's like I'm giving birth to cuteness :lol:
I have a double FN, separated into two sections, Little boys (Brisby and Jenner) up top


and Big Boys (Justin and Johnathan) on the bottom:


and just cause its cute: Justin and Johnathan

