EARPS Helping with a HALFIE Litter....Needing Donations for Speuters

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2012
Miamsiburg, OH
Hey everyone, I'm the Ohio Coordinator for EARPS (www.earps.org) and we are helping a girl who adopted a female rat from craigslist, and a few weeks later she gave birth to twelve bubs. She had no clue she was pregnant at the time of adoption. The previous owner did not give her any indication that it was possible. So she contacted the previous owner, and was told that the mom had gotten loose into their house for a few days.

The litter is all agouti, so we are suspecting they are Halfies. She has handled them as much as possible since day one to socialize them, but they are still showing signs of skittishness. EARPS is full, so we aren't able to actually take these guys in, but we want to help as much as possible. We have been giving her advice, and are now setting up a fund to get the whole litter spayed/neutered for her so that we can find them good homes.

These bubs are located in Lexington, KY, but we are willing to work on a train to adopt them out to the right homes. They will need rat experienced homes, and homes who are understanding that they probably won't be like a normal pet rat. More skittish, more prone to jumping, and FAST!

We are able to get each bub speutered for $40 a piece, which means we need to raise $480, so we are looking for donations to go towards their surgeries. If you would like to donate please send donations via paypal to: [email protected] or you can send checks (just PM me for an address)

If you would like to make a payment to the vet clinic, just give them a call and let them know you would like to add money to EARPS account (Please also notify me either via this thread or a PM that you are calling in a donation to the Clinic, Thanks ^_^)
The vet we are using is Dr. Levitas at
The Animal Hospital on Mt. Lookout Square
3175 Linwood Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45208

And here are some photos for you to enjoy!




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Wow, such cute babies!

I'm sorry, I can't donate. :(
I'm still in nearly $600 debt for all my vet bills...
They are just adorable, and don't appear to be very shy!
Just sent a little something from the East coast to help with their speuters. :)
Hopefully mom will stop looking for dates in all the wrong places. :giggle:
Wonderful of you guys to be helping out. I still have two halfie boys left from a litter born almost two years ago...they took A LOT of work (but turned out quite nicely).

I'll send a little something along today.
You guys are amazing! We have raised $160 so far, and I have a person who's adopting, supposed to send me the money for the two she's adopting's speuters, so that will make us be at $240...halfway there!
Hey everyone! We are getting to the age where we are going to start getting these guys spayed/neutered! We have only raised $273 out of the $480 needed.

We need $207 more dollars to be able to alter the whole litter. Even if you can only donate $5.00, if 41 people donated $5.00 we'd meet our goal.

Also, keep in mind, we are a 501(c)3 rescue, so by donating you can use the donation as part of a tax deduction at the end of the year (if you want a receipt just let me know and I will send one to you)

(More photos shall be posted tonight hopefully)
Here is updated photos of some of the bubs. They are quite skittish, more so than average, but not aggressive. They are being worked with on a daily basis. The current owner talks to them, sits in front of the cage with the doors open and just leans her body into the cage and talks quietly. They don't like being touched by humans, but they love each other and are fun to watch. They will most likely do better separated into smaller groups, where their foster/owner can concentrate on just 1-3 and not 12 at a time!

