Dot's back legs are finally giving out

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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2013
United States
I'm sure I've mentioned that Dot, my oldest lady, has been showing signs of weakness in her back legs since her surgery, months ago. It has only gotten worse, and yesterday I finally caught her dragging her back legs a few steps during floor time. We're almost to the point where she won't be able to use them at all.

I can move her into a one-level cage if the current one begins to become too unsafe for her. Currently the inclines are shallow enough and felt-wrapped that they don't bother her unless she gets too excited and tries to run on them. Is there anything else I need to be doing to keep her safe and healthy? She's 32 months old and not in great health. I know she probably doesn't have a lot of time left, but I want it to be good.
The one level cages usually work out well for them. I have a long rabbit cage and a square cage I use for them. You have to watch the blankets their feet can get tangled in them. Other than that just love on her. we had a girl live months with HED and we have two boys who have it now :)
I usually try to keep a rat in their familiar cage with modifications. If you find them unable to make it up the ramp anymore, even with heaving and breaks on the way up, then I move them into a one-level. I do add a waterbottle to the bottom level and a small food dish just in case.
I too just modify their existing cage. One thing I found out is to cover the ramps because one day one of my boys got his foot caught in the bottom rung while he was sitting next to it. Thankfully I was right there and could extricate it before he injured himself. When I had my Jazzy, I would put her at the top of the Double Critter Nation, and then next time I saw her she would be at the bottom. Then I'd move her to the top again, and on it would go. I think she was happier this way as she didn't have to leave her family. I just made sure there were food and water bowls on a few levels.
I've broken out the extra food and water dishes for each level. I just need to rewrap the top ramp in felt for her. We'll see how she does before thinking about moving her. I'm really glad that's still an option. I've been worried about having to move her away from the other ladies.