Domino's Aggression (UPDATE...Its Worse)

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2009
Watertown, New York (USA)
So I adopted my Little Domino (AKA Merlin) from Lil ratsy's Rat Rescue from Lauren. ( I will always thank her for my Babies ) I remember her telling me that for some reason just before i got him he started to be Nervous when Picked up and taken from his cage, but once out he was fine, Like he was clamming up or something.
I said thats ok, I will work with him, and for a while He did just great, Not so shy, Would come right too me and come out and play with me too. He even didn't mind be getting him out myself.

Lately the past few Days, He I think is showing a bit of Aggression not just to Marley his Brother but Me even.
He and Marley are more Dominant them Onyx, He is very laid back, but Marley and Domino will stand up and tuff it out alot lately, No Scretching, blood, noise Nothing like that, but just pinning each other and then they go off here own ways. I assumed playing but Yesterday I notice, and I THINK few times before, then I stick my hand in there, they all come running, Marley licks me, like normal :D and Onyx come to me and like nibbles but to clean me never to bite, but Domino comes up and makes this noise, like a tshhh Tshh noise, and then he tries to push me out of the cage, and yesterday to see what He would do I didn't move, He jumped on my arm and DUG his nail right in to my arm twice and made me bleed then he tried again and almost bite, I moved before he did, i have picks of my arm, He did it on purpose I know he did it once and nothing the second time when he did it harder he drew the blood.

Have I done something wrong or is he Showing Dominance. I know I had to seperate him and Marley yesterday for a while as He did the same to marley. I reintroduced them later and he was fine, nothing has happened since, but he is the same way to me now when he is out playing, the whole Tshhh Tshh noise and then he goes for the jump and Claw thing???

I need help?
That is aggression. Is he poofing up too? I would not seperate him from the boys unless you feel it is getting serious. He may need a neuter to get those hormones in order. I knew there was something odd about that boy. I am soooo sorry you are having to go through this. I highly doubt it is anything you did. He is just becoming a man and those hormone levels are sky rocketing out of control...
No, No poofing at all, thats what I found odd?
I have them together still, He never really bother Onyx, as He is the Quiet one, LOL, Domino Seems a little bigger then the other too. I will speak to my Vet about the Neuter, I Have 2 girls to do now too. I have a ? I may have Hairless babies that need a Home.Do you know anyway wanting a Hairless, My Suppose to be boy Hairless, i got from the Lady that brought them in to my work, Remember I told you about that, She said it was a boy, but I noticed a few days after it was a girl, She was still alone here at the time, in a ISo cage, due to her Eyes. She got Fat and Had babies, I called the lady and she said she was told they were all Boys, I had her Check the other she said they definately had Testicles, So she has babies now :sad3: So young too!!! She will be spayed so this is her ONLY litter. I aske her if they were related she said she didn't think so as the other 2 were almost full grown and she was still smaller, but her Daughter never said.

Sorry that was off topic, but I need to find home for them, they may be Hairless or Not, LOL

I still Love him ,and will no matter what, I don't mind going through it, Becuase he is special to me still :heart: Always will be! Even if he is Manly LOL
How old is Domino?
From what you described, I'm not getting the feeling that it's right out aggression...not yet. Also, are the intact females near the boys? Oh and did you do intros with Domino and the others, how long of an intro?
Domino was born in Dec of last year. He lives with his two brothers at this point and no non relatives...

Are they still in the rat manor? Perhaps its time for a bigger cage...more space, less stress...
Ok, so he's at the ripe age of coming into maturity. If they are still in the small cage, I'd definitely get him and his bros a bigger one. Also, no longer put your hands in his cage... let him come out first. If you need to clean it, let him out and then go into the cage.
He might be very territorial right now and if the girls are around, he's also feeling the need to... well you know. :cheeky:
A neuter is always a good thing to do if you can afford it and if you have a good vet. If it wasn't so expensive, I'd have all my males neutered here.
Lauren is right he lives with brother, and no non relatives, my other boys are still 2 small, and my girls are seperate as they are to small to spay yet., They are still in the rat Manor! THey are out most of the time though. I have the bigger cage, but Mike stole it for his Chinchilla until He gets his cage built. :sad3: Meany!
I can however attach another cage to the rat manor, it doest have levels it But i can hang for stuff and make it bigger for them, I just have to go get some PVC pipes to connect the cage. That will make it bigger for them. The girls are in the same room but on the other side.
Ok so Domino lives with one rat (his bro) in the rat manor. That cage although not ideal is good enough for two teenage boys. Any chance you can get the girls in another room? Or don't allow the boys to play in the same area as the girls. For example, if you usually take the girls out to play on the couch, then the boys shouldn't play there. That should help curb Domino's stress. But if it persists and he keep getting more and more dominant or continues to "dig" on you or put his teeth on you then yes, I'd strongly suggest a neuter.
Domino has 2 brothers Marley and Onyx in the cage, Thats why I am going to add another cage to it, Like I said they aren't in it much they are always out, but a night they are in there or when and if i work.

I am going to ask my vet about the neuter, when I return to work.
Thank you for all your help, i appreciate it. :thumbup:
Ok So here the UPDATE:

It's so much worse now...

So today I was doing my everyday Spot cleaning, Feeding, watering ETC...
I saved them for last

I go the cage and surprizing it was not to bad, He was sleeping my Evil little Domino and I always fill food first as they normally go for the Num Nums so I can spot clean the Litter Box Etc...
I open the door and in a split second of my reaching for the bowl I got the bowl and BOOM, there He was on the top level and before I could get out of the cage He Leaped at me and Latched on to my Index finger on my Left hand, He wouldn't let go He kept Chewing while Blood was Sliting everywhere and running all down my hand and arm, Finally He let go to lick the blood of his face and I slammed the door and Ran to the Towel rack Grabbed a towel and Ran down stairs for the First aid Kit as I was going downstairs, I got felt Dizzy and sick and then Feel the rest of the way down, laying there for a minute I finally got up and Slowly Hopped to the cabinet and Grabbs a bunch of Wrap and stuff, So My knee is all Scratched up from the fall, and now I am limping, My finger Gushed for 10 minutes finally stopping, Its the double the size of my other fingers, and Now Black colored around my Knuckle which may need stiches as its down to the bone.

Here are photos when IT first happened I had ran it under water to he blood was just starting again.

This is my Knee after the fall.
Moon said:
.... Wow.... that's a lot of damage for a food bowl filling...
Ya my finger hurts Bad I was only in there like 5 seconds and He woke up and came right for me before I could get my Hand and the Bowl out, I dropped the Bowl, Now I still have to get them there food????
Oh gees! I can't believe he got better and then he got that much worse :sad3:

I think a definate neuter is in order, that is the only solution I can think of...I am sooooo sorry you have to go through this. He was from what I think to be a BYB this is why we all advise against breeding rats with unknown backgrounds, who knows what could be in their genes. He was tiny when I got him and his brothers, so unless they did something to him when he was real young, there is no abuse in his background...I really hope its just hormones though, in most cases it is, this is exactly why I had all my boys neutered...

I really am sorry this happened Tori. If you need me I am here..