Do I need to get my rats teeth clipped? Pain med dose?

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New Member
Jan 24, 2016
Nova Scotia
Hi guys and gals,
Jay is my 2nd little guy. He was not much of bruxer at all. But the last month he started getting more sookie (hanging out with me on my bed) and bruxing a lot. then I happened to get a look at his teeth and they seem to be growing out to the side a bit. not straight upwards. it also seems like his face below is nose is a little puffy. not too bad, but it's starting to be noticeable. and he's making those 'cleaning' notions with his hands around his face/nose. So i think maybe his teeth are growing upwards/outwards and hitting to top of his mouth and causing swelling. I'm going to take him to the vet, but until then, can anyone recommend a dose of pain meds (children's liquid Ibuprofen?) than I can give him. I don't want him to be suffering. he is still eating. but he seems a little bothered by it etc. Ugh. I hate rattie health issues. I don't want him to suffer in any way. He is an adult rat, and kind of chubby. not super chubby, but typical adult rat chubby. but I don't know how much he weighs.

Thanks for any info bc I'm a little anxious.

My little rat has teeth issues as well. I'd definitely take him to the vet and get them to look at them/trim them.
My boy does those cleaning motions too, but mostly I think it's just that the teeth can get a little uncomfortable rather than painful. As long as he's still eating and you get him into the vet soon (their teeth grow so fast!) it doesn't seem like it should be too big of a problem currently.
I'm not sure what kind of pain meds people typically give their rats (I usually end up getting a prescription from the vet), so hopefully someone has a suggestion if you think he's getting too uncomfortable.
I hope he gets well soon :) <3
Lilspaz68 can give you a dose for that med (I sent her a message)
What is his weight(grams or Ibs) ?
What is the medication and the strength of the medication (mg/ml)
Malocclusion is when teeth are not aligned with the top incisors to the bottom incisor. Normally they grind together while bruxxing but once they are crooked they can grow fast and sharp unimpeded. They also can grow into the gums or roof of the mouth. If you have infant ibuprofen I can work out a dose based on his weight. Same with meloxicam/metacam.