Discord - URI

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2012
Gah...not again...NOT AGAIN!

It feels like every other month I'm dealing with a URI despite my best efforts of keeping everything dust free and clean.

So Discord showed signs of a URI about two weeks ago, to which I immideatly treated with Baytril, it appeared to had finally gone away and so I stopped the treatment.

But as of last night, he kept me up with worry of that horrible squeaky sound you hear when they clearly of stuff in their nose or fluid in their lungs...You all know that horrid squeaky clogging sound they make? Ya...that... It's appeared to be worse though...and worse yet my bottle supply of baytril has run dry...and even more worse, my vet who is in the next dang city, is out on Holiday (which is expected) and their standby vet can see us today, but they may not be able to supply me with a whole bottle of baytril again due to supply and demand at their clinic.

This is very frustrating, I know that a URI as bad as this needs at least one to two months of treatment...and more likely they are only going to give me two maybe three weeks worth of baytril syringes IF I'm lucky...Granted I'm going to insist they help me out by anymeans...But it will cost me an arm or my first born lol.

Point being...it just tears me up...I've lost Gizmo, Nes and Zera, not to URIs, but we've battled those many times for two years, I was just hoping that my ratties had gotten passed that...but now I'm worried they may all be infected...therego I NEED the bottle of Baytril! Gah...:panic:
You need to treat for minimum of 4 weeks. You should really treat with a combo baytril/doxy. We used to get a bottle of liquid baytril (injectible type for dogs) from walmart for around $25. Also got our doxy there too at one time. We just had the vet call in the prescription. Hope Discord gets better soon.
It's only been three days but Discord is still making that noise...I hope it starts clearing up by next week... If not ya I may have to do the combo of baytril/doxy.

Long as he's eating and drinking though that's a good sign.
You should see improvement within 5 days. If not, then definitely ask your vet if another medication (such as doxycycline) can be added.

Another thing that can be very helpful is steaming a bathroom up with a hot shower and then being in the bathroom with your rat for about 10 minutes. If you try this make sure to be mindful of how your rat is reacting to the warm steam. If there is any indication the warm steam is causing distress, discontinue immediately.

Another way to help alleviate respiratory disease is to nebulize. I would start with the above two potential remedies first, though.
I do have a nebulizer but I find that to be stressful for my ratties, but i'll try it if he's not improving.

He seems to get better day by day, two days after treatment he was doing the noise less and less, yesterday he didn't do it all, today just not long ago he made a bit of noise but its better then when he was doing it nearly the whole time. So he's improving thank goodness.
EDK, I'm so glad to hear Discord is improving!

Regarding nebulizing, I totally agree that it can be very stressful for rats. I learned a really great tip from a veterinarian which you may also find useful for the future: I use a small travel carrier covered with a towel. I fill up the carrier with the nebulizer mist allowing it to run for around 5-8 minutes. I do this BEFORE any rats are even inside the carrier. Keeping as much mist inside the carrier as possible, I then place my rat(s) inside the carrier. I leave them inside for another 5-8 minutes and feed them special yummy treats while they're inside. (I hand them one pea or one dried edamame or other small treat at a time.) I've found that misting up the carrier before placing my rats inside is so much less stressful since they're not subjected to the noise of the nebulizer.

Hope Discord is continuing to improve.
Thanks for the tips guys.

Discord had defiently improved and no longer makes the nosies, but we're still going to continue with his treatment, it's only been one week and I plan to keep him on it for another three more weeks.
So glad to hear Discord is improving! Some of the vets my rats have seen have recommended continuing the medication(s) 2-3 weeks past the date when symptoms are 100% resolved.

Keep up the great work! :)
Well it's been about a week or so since we've stopped medication, Discord appears to be fully recovered so whoopppiee!!!