Dennis - neutered 8 days ago, doing really well :)

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Active Member
May 7, 2011
On friday I am picking up a male rat (i've been told he is aggressive - not neutered and living with another male) to come and live with me, I plan to get him neutered and trust-trained to live with my 3 females...

Now before he came along into my life I was planning on adopting a baby male rat from a rat rescue in about 4 weeks time (they were only born this week), I would feel bad for letting down this rescue as they are struggling (just had 2 pregnant females they gave birth to 8 and 11 babies respectively), I know boys are easier to introduce when young and it helps if the other male is neutered? Would it be possible to neuter the young'un and the older guy and put them together before putting them with my 3 girls? (I'd like to keep them all in the same cage just for the sake of them all having lots of companions)

Please let me know if this is a TERRIBLE idea, I have had boys before and done adult boys to other adult boy introductions as well as adult boys to baby boy introductions, and have had girls and done adult girl to adult girl as well as adult girl to baby girl introductions. So i'm fairly experienced.

Any help would be appreciated :) - I just want to help as many ratties as possible.
I would advise picking up this aggressive boy (how old is he?) getting him neutered right away so the hormones fade before you decide about the babies. I also advise taking home 2 baby boys, so they have each other to play with and cuddle with when the adults have had enough of that crazy baby energy.
He's 9 months, yeah I am getting him done ASAP and keeping him WELL out the way of my girls so they cant bother each other with their smells until intro time. The person I am (possibly) getting the baby from only has one single male left that isnt reserved (all the others are taken in couples and there was a single one left). 2 of my girls are still at the playing and cuddling stage as they're fairly young but obviously he wont get to play with them until he's been neutered :S What is the youngest they can be neutered at?
freak_nutcase said:
He's 9 months, yeah I am getting him done ASAP and keeping him WELL out the way of my girls so they cant bother each other with their smells until intro time. The person I am (possibly) getting the baby from only has one single male left that isnt reserved (all the others are taken in couples and there was a single one left). 2 of my girls are still at the playing and cuddling stage as they're fairly young but obviously he wont get to play with them until he's been neutered :S What is the youngest they can be neutered at?

Ahh good reason to take a single :thumbup: It really depends on your vet's comfort level and how well the testes descended. Mine preferred 4 months, but I brought in a little dude at 8 weeks (his cahones were huge) and he was done with no issue. Jo's vet can do them insanely young :)
I'm a little bit worried about the concept of dealing 2 new additions so quickly (I only lost a girl last week) but you know how you just *cant* leave a rat when you know its in a bad home? Thats what happened with the aggressive dude...And i'd already agreed to take one of these babies too so I'll just have to split my time very evenly and keep them all occupied until they can all live as one group!

<----this is the 9 month male
freak_nutcase said:
I'm a little bit worried about the concept of dealing 2 new additions so quickly (I only lost a girl last week) but you know how you just *cant* leave a rat when you know its in a bad home? Thats what happened with the aggressive dude...And i'd already agreed to take one of these babies too so I'll just have to split my time very evenly and keep them all occupied until they can all live as one group!

<----this is the 9 month male

They all come to us on their own timetable, never ours're doing a good thing. :mrgreen:
I agree with that...its just their way :p Even if it means manic rushing around to find spare cages. Mine are at my parents house and I'm not going there until AFTER i've got the big dude as i'm spending next week travelling to get him! *Sigh*

I have something sorted now thankfully!
The way I look at it, they are in a better place no matter how hectic it might be. Just remember to breathe and know the rats are now safe with you.
Congratulations on your new addition! I hope he just has a bad rep and is much nicer in person. Glad you've given him a second chance! :)
Joanne said:
Congratulations on your new addition! I hope he just has a bad rep and is much nicer in person. Glad you've given him a second chance! :)

I hope so too! I have found most that are deemed aggressive are just misunderstood!
UPDATE: no longer taking in a young one as he is going in a trio now with other lads! Picking up my adult boy tomorrow night, any tips on how to make a good first impression on an (supposedly) aggressive rat? I've armed myself with treats and he has a lovely clean cage with hammocks to come home to.
Yay for the boy coming home! Make sure to take lots of pictures!
It's nice that the younger boy is going home with his brothers.
I have never dealt with an aggressive rat, but it sounds like you're ready!
Great that he is coming home with you.
Very sorry that he is being seperated from his friend :(
Hope his friend will not be living by himself
Don't worry everyone, I will be doing my beat to advise her to get a couple of babies to keep him company or think about rehoming the other boy with me too (doubt she'll go for this) but think she handles the other a lot and the other one not at all...anyway...i'll do my best to advise her and keep in contact about the other :) feel a bit sad taking him away but its a tricky situation when she wont work to help him trust her and if i didnt take him she would put him down...:(
If you end up with just the lone older boy, consider getting a girl or two for him. Sometimes it's easier to introduce the opposite sex.
I can't wait to see pictures of him!
Well, I'm sure if the original owner isn't willing to get him to trust her and hasn't even tried, that he prolly is just misunderstood. I'm sure if you take your time and get him to know that you will love him he won't be so aggressive. Plus, neutering him will probably make him less aggressive too. Another member her spoke of one of their rats being aggressive when she first got them and now he's a big cuddle buddy. xD; Took some weeks time, but still. Def just be patient and I'm sure all will turn out. I hope that other girl does the right thing for her other rattie too tho.... Good luck, and congrats!
Just a quick update from me, got the little fella and he was being kept terribly in a cage not big enough for a hamster, in a room where about 15 other rats lived, all ages and gender, also hamsters with babies...all animals were allowed to free range past his wonder he has issues...he seems to want to interact with humans but if he doesn't get his way he will puff up, sidle up to you and try to bite, he got me in the arm earlier, ouch! He is quite chubby after living off rat musli and sneezy from wood shavings...he apparently used to be really snuggley and still can have moments of niceness (he is very polite when taking treats). So its simply a dominance issue, which castration should help? Any feedback is appreciated :)

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