Dean's Teeth??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2009
Cape Breton, NS
Simple question, how do we fix this? What am I in for at the vet? :?

I have never had a rat with a snaggle tooth... guess I should have never bragged about them being non chewers and I really shouldn't have bragged about Dean being the only one not sick... urgh...


Edit to add, he hides this well. I have noticed no slowing down in eating blocks or odd behavior. He also tagged along when Sam and Stew had their vet appt and he was the heaviest by almost 20g :giggle: I guess I should be checking their mouths a little more eh? How do you encourage rats to chew??
my Mini doesn't have the exact same issue as Dean, but maybe it'll still help?

one of her lower teeth began growing crooked about 2 months ago now. around the second trimming it became apparent that the upper tooth on the same side was not getting ground down.

in Mini's case we almost removed the lower tooth (when it was the only tooth over growing) because she has to get knocked out whenever her teeth need trimming (lol. she's 185 - 195g and TINY....and squirms so much no one can hold her still. trimming = impossible on my Mini!).

anyhow, I have a point to this story lol. my vet for her actually discouraged chew toys (anything wood, etc) to avoid more potential damage.

if Dean isn't able to manage his teeth on his own, maybe he needs trims?

though, if he's still been able to eat, his teeth may just be growing odd.

hehe I'm still a bit of a tooth trouble newbie.

oh! Mini hides hers well too. she doesn't really start to show lab block issues until around 3 1/2 - 4 weeks after a trimming.
My vet would trim those to the gum line and hope it comes back straight and normal. If not, it will need regular trimmings.
At the very least, it needs to be trimmed back big time and asap.
The other one is perfectly normal, this one is a little long and WIDE. Poor dude :( I'm calling the vet today to see how many paychecks they'll require for trimming... ohh Deaannnnnn.....
Deans going in tomorrow, would have been today but they are swamped with surgeries. I have to go back to my old vet as the new one wont trim teeth :( Only plus is it will be $40.
crossing my fingers too!

trimmings are not fun! hopefully Dean will luck out and it'll be the only one :D
I'm hoping it is because the other tooth is fine, and although huge this tooth is still straight as a pin. Oh I am praying it's only once!