Crushed Nose

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Aug 7, 2014
First let me say that I realize how terrible this is and am disgusted with myself for the fact this happened.

I have three rats. The middle girl, Mina, who turns a year old this month, is albino (therefore near-enough to blind, as most of you probably know) and skittish. She was free ranging and was starting to go somewhere I typically have blocked off but didn't yesterday. I moved to stop her, she changed direction at the last minute, and I felt her nose crunch under my foot.

I screamed, she fled, I found her, and my sister and I rushed her to -- well, first we tried to take her to the local emergency vet, but they said their doctor wouldn't see her because she was an exotic and their exotic doctor wouldn't be around until the next day (today). So we drove her to the large er an hour and a half away. They also said no one on their staff was an exotic specialist (which kills me) but agreed to see her.

While on the way to the vet, her breathing was slightly labored and her nose was clicking as she breathed. She sneezed blood and porphyrin and had porphyrin discharge from her nose.

The vet said that there was clearly some trauma to the nose and swelling. She said she wouldn't do a radiography because she didn't think we'd see anything due to the swelling and it would potentially cause further trauma to force her to be still. They gave her an anti-inflammatory and antibiotics and suggested we take her to our local vet today.

She was calmer on the way home and wasn't lethargic or dull, simply tired. She spent the whole ride home on my shoulder pressed against my face -- I felt, since she was willing to sit there and stay still, it was better than trying to force her into my lap.

This morning, after giving her scrambled egg and a cup of water last night, my sister, who had stayed up with her, said she hadn't seen her eat or drink. That greatly concerned me, so I gave her a syringe of water along with her meds, and got her to eat some of her egg. My sister continued to monitor her (I had to go to work, it's a new job and was only my fourth day there, or else I would've stayed with her) and later sent me a video of Mina drinking.

The vet who said they would be able to see her today claimed, upon calling, that they couldn't and didn't know when they'd have an available appointment. I still wanted to get a radiography because her nose is slightly upturned and it seems her upper teeth are crooked and protruding a bit. Another vet in our area said they couldn't see her until Monday; I went ahead and made an appointment with them.

She's been eating and drinking but she hasn't pooped (also concerning, though she hasn't eaten a ton of food). I'm not sure if she's peed. She is eating -- I've been giving her soft foods, such as baby food, baby cereal, and peanut butter mixed so she gets protein but it's easy for her to consume. She doesn't seem lethargic, just very tired; her breathing isn't labored, but it is wheezing through her nose. She has a heating pad in her cage and seems, mostly, to want to just curl up in the back of the cage.

I KNOW THIS IS LONG. I'm sorry; I just wanted to present all the information. Because this is the thing -- no matter how much googling I did, I couldn't find information on a rat with a crushed nose, a broken nose, and/or their quality of life after such injuries. If anyone out there has experience, PLEASE let me know. I'll do anything I can to help her; my sister keeps saying she thinks Mina will be fine but she's my kid and I'm worried. If there's anything I can do to make Mina's injury easier for her or something I need to relate to the vet on Monday -- I NEED TO END THIS POST BUT JUST ANYTHING.

I can't get over the fact that I did this to her. I just want her to be okay.
Accidents happen, I also stepped on my blonde bombshell as she literally was running by and doubled back under my descending foot. In her case the videos will just scare you and since she recovered with almost no incident won't be what you need to hear.

I had a boy who fractured his maxilla last year. He was trying to get to a strange rat that was outside of his cage, and was trying to bite through the bars (A martin's cage) and hooked his teeth, must've panicked and pulled back causing this problem.

I'll link you to his thread on here as I document most of my cases.

What you will need to do since all your lovely vets haven;t given you metacam is pick up infant liquid ibuprofen (Advil grape flavoured, dye-free is one rats seem to like), this will help with pain and swelling.

If you can give us an estimate on her weight we can give you a dose.

Can you get us before pics of her and after the injury pics? So we can see the changes in her facial structure/teeth alignment?
The number one concern is can she breathe, and that is yes, so that is the most critical thing.
The next one is do her teeth line up normally? If they don't, then either her teeth or her jaw or both may have been broken. If that is the case, there is nothing the vet can do surgically to repair it. She will need pain medication for a while (broken bones hurt!) and a soft diet. Soak her blocks in water until they are soft. You can also feed her some baby food, but try to keep her on a balanced diet if possible. If the skin did not tear, then she may not need antibiotics as it would be a closed fracture. Keep a very close eye on her for any signs of infection.
And lastly, if she survives and heals up, she may need tooth trims every two weeks if her jaw remains out of alignment as her teeth won't wear properly.
BUT, if her bite is normal, she may just need a soft diet and pain killers for a few weeks. If this is the case, check her bite every so often to make sure it stays normal.
Accidents happen - don't beat yourself up, just make changes so it doesn't happen again, and give your girl lots of love.
I would add to make sure she stays in a quiet, low activity room for a while too if she isn't in one already. It would decrease her frequency of increased work of breathing.

Accidents definitely do happen. It doesn't make you a bad rat parent, you just know now that that one won't watch out for feet so you'll have to be extra cautious. I smooshed Sheldon's head in the door of the critter nation on accident when I hit it with my shoulder as I was going by and it was just the worst thing. Lucky she didn't break any bones but I still gave her ibuprofen for what I can only assume would be a splitting headache.
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Thank you guys for responding. It makes me feel better just to know this isn't the first time injuries like this have occurred. I mean, I knew it couldn't have been but -- I was feeling pretty terrible last night trying to look things up and thinking oh god I'm the first moron who has done this since I couldn't turn up a good google search.

These pictures aren't great, especially the ones of her now as she's sleeping so I don't want to wake her to take pictures and my sister only sent me a few blurry ones earlier. I can update later with better ones, but:



And she weighs about 0.75 pounds.
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The fact that she didn't blow up like a balloon with swelling is a good sign.

She looks bright, her face looks a bit odd but that could also just be swelling inside her mouth and around her head...give her the ibu every 4-6 hours over the weekend then bring it down to every 8 hours. By then she might not need anymore.
Update on Mina: She's taking the ibuprofen and it seems to be helping. The swelling has gone down drastically, revealing the fact that either her maxilla or premaxilla is broken and that has pushed her top teeth slightly forward as well as making it difficult for her to draw in air through her nose.

The biggest concern for me right now is that she's struggling to breathe through her nose as it's clogged with porphyrin and blood. So she takes in gasping breaths through her mouth. I've made attempts to clear her nose but it becomes reclogged. Since she can't smell anything, getting her interested in food is difficult, and she's also stopped grooming herself because struggling to breathe takes most of her energy.

I'm worried she's just going to give up before I can get her to her vet on Monday.

Any suggestions as to what to do about her breathing and/or her clogged nostrils?
Have you already tried decongestants? It's not going to fix the cause but it could help relieve some of the capillary congestion in her sinuses.
Update on Mina: She's taking the ibuprofen and it seems to be helping. The swelling has gone down drastically, revealing the fact that either her maxilla or premaxilla is broken and that has pushed her top teeth slightly forward as well as making it difficult for her to draw in air through her nose.

The biggest concern for me right now is that she's struggling to breathe through her nose as it's clogged with porphyrin and blood. So she takes in gasping breaths through her mouth. I've made attempts to clear her nose but it becomes reclogged. Since she can't smell anything, getting her interested in food is difficult, and she's also stopped grooming herself because struggling to breathe takes most of her energy.

I'm worried she's just going to give up before I can get her to her vet on Monday.

Any suggestions as to what to do about her breathing and/or her clogged nostrils?

She is still bleeding? How long ago was the accident? I honestly would just leave her. She will get air through her mouth (expect some tummy bloating as she swallows air). Just let the blood clot and scab and rats heal very fast. The swelling is what always worries me the most. The fact that she's still bleeding is not a great sign though, unless when you are clearing her nose/mouth you keep rebreaking the scabbing and it starts again. There's honestly nothing you can do at this point without a vet that you are not doing.

Poor baby. If you read Joey's thread, with his broken maxilla, he did recover and his teeth were able to straigthen out in time. Now (months and months later) he still has a funny whistle in his breathing, and he does sneeze a lot but he's very very healthy other than these symptoms.
I'm sorry your baby isn't feeling her best. Accidents do happen; all you can do is forgive yourself and continue trying to help her get well, and right now it sounds like you're doing all you can. She does not look bad considering.

Send her lots if healing vibes, and lots of hugs to you as well .
She's doing better! She seems as if she's beginning to adjust to the change.

We went to the vet on Monday and found out that actually her entire upper jaw has separated from her skull. The first option he gave was for surgery to be done and a plate installed to pull her jaw back in place. The problem is that, living in West Virginia, there's nowhere local that can do it and, aside from the travel, the surgery itself is expensive.

The other option is to let a fibrous callous form between her jaw and skull to protect the soft tissue and provide rigidity. That would necessitate putting her on steroids. She'll also be on a soft food diet (or crumble her food small enough for her molars to chew) and need her teeth ground down regularly.

As much as I would love to be able to afford the surgery, I don't think I'll be able to (I haven't gotten the quote yet).

So soft food!!! Mina isn't eating spectacularly well so I'm going today to get ensure and nutri-cal. But she needs fiber, badly. Has anyone tried liquid fiber options with their rats?
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She's doing better! She seems as if she's beginning to adjust to the change.

We went to the vet on Monday and found out that actually her entire upper jaw has separated from her skull. The first option he gave was for surgery to be done and a plate installed to pull her jaw back in place. The problem is that, living in West Virginia, there's nowhere local that can do it and, aside from the travel, the surgery itself is expensive.

The other option is to let a fibrous callous form between her jaw and skull to protect the soft tissue and provide rigidity. That would necessitate putting her on steroids. She'll also be on a soft food diet (or crumble her food small enough for her molars to chew) and need her teeth ground down regularly.

As much as I would love to be able to afford the surgery, I don't think I'll be able to (I haven't gotten the quote yet).

So soft food!!! Mina isn't eating spectacularly well so I'm going today to get ensure and nutri-cal. But she needs fiber, badly. Has anyone tried liquid fiber options with their rats?

For my sick boys I mix One box of baby rice cereal, 12 scoops of powdered soy infant formula, and 1 cup of ground up oxbow (or whatever block food you use) put that in an air tight container. When you need to use it mix with water, ensure, etc...
Thanks for the suggestion! I need to get a spice grinder, to grind up my Harlan Teklad. Right now, I have some of her blocks soaking in Ensure so I can blend it easily for her.

When I got home from work, she came to eat a treat I'd broken up for her, and was happy to eat baby cereal mixed with baby food as well as a tiny piece of mozzarella cheese. I'm incredibly happy she's showing an appetite as that's concerned me since day one. But it's officially been a week and a day now and I think she's going to be okay and adjust.

Again, I'm still feeling a little terrible for the fact this happened, but I'm happy that she's going to survive and hopefully have a good, long life.

Everyone, thank you so much for all of your help. You made Mina's life better when even her vets were unable to. I truly appreciate it. <3