crated rat heart!

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I'm not sure if I like this. I wish people would spend more time and effort on preventing the diseases and accidents that cause us to lose parts of our bodies, get sick and die.
My son is a diabetic has been for over 30 years, he has lost the front half of both his feet, but due to research he still has has his sight & kidneys, the chemo that saved my life, for a bit anyway, is due to research, millions of people would be dead today if it weren't for research, I didn't ask to get cancer my son didn't ask to get his disease, nor my Dad Alzheimer's that took his life, & so many diseases & conditions I can't name them all, it breaks my heart the tiny ones who suffer to save us, what if some day some one you loved very much, either got a built heart or died, you may think differently & they are working on stopping these things every day, I am sorry I posted it I only meant to give credit to our tiny friends! :(
yeah me to, Im sorry phyllis, I shouldnt have jumped the gun like that. I just feel for the cruelty they go through in the labs thats all. Thank you for posting it because now i see it in a different way, they are true heroes :)

That is unbelievable.

Like everyone else here, I wish that little lives didn't have to be sacrificed to make these developments, but I am able to take comfort in the fact that they gave their lives for a legitimate, medical reason and not to develop a new shade of lipstick or some kind of shampoo. I'm a strict vegan, and I don't believe in raising animals for food or using them for cosmetic research or to make clothing from their skin, and the recently revealed abuses at M&M/Mars make me physically ill, but try as I might, I can't be quite so rigid about medical research. I would absolutely be behind a different method if one existed, but right now, it doesn't. Unless we want new drugs and treatments, along with their potentially dangerous effects, tested on ourselves or our loved ones, an alternative just isn't there. I don't think anyone out there is willing to extend this research to human sources just yet without that "safety net." So where do we go with it? Do we just accept medical research at the point where it stands, or do we pay these blessed angels the respect they're due and thank them for laying down their lives to save ours?

Everyone has their own answer, and truthfully, neither side is entirely wrong. It's just another one of those debates that make us who we are as people.
There are many alternatives to animal testing for medical purposes, it is just that testing on animals is probably cheaper and people are more comfortable with it when it comes to familiarity. Also, most labs are geared for animal testing and would need to revamp their processes in order to change that.
The problem is that animals are just not people, and many results of testing on them hits that fact home. Yes, there have been some great medical breakthroughs for humans because of animal research, but there have been hundreds of thousands of cases where research on animals has resulted in very deadly situations for humans.
When Glaxo was put on the stand to answer to why thousands had died of heart attacks after taking Vioxx, and didn't they test the product on animals, the response from their research experts went something like this...
'yes, we did animal testing but it is faulty and unreliable'.
And the problem is - it is unreliable.
I am not saying that all those billions of animals suffered and died in vain, because the testing has resulted in making human lives better, but we rely way too heavily on animal testing and put too much stock in the results. We assume way too often that the human responses will be the same as those on animals and people are dying by the tens of thousands because of it. Drug companies are extremely powerful and want people to believe that animal testing is something that just cannot be avoided and is the backbone to solving all medical issues with humans, but then do a turn around as soon as the product produces different results in humans.
All you have to do is watch some of the US TV stations, like FOX, and see all the lawyers who have put money into commercials about the class action lawsuits that they have against drug companies because of the horrendous results that some of those drugs have had on people. There are probably thousands of those lawsuits pending.
Here are some interesting facts on animal testing...

* At least 450 methods exist with which we can replace animal experiments.
* Less than 2% of human illnesses (1.16%) are ever seen in animals. Over 98% never are.
* At least 50 drugs on the market cause cancer in lab animals. They are allowed because it is admitted that animal tests are not relevant.
* When asked if they agreed that animal experimentation can be misleading because of anatomical and physiological differences between animals and humans, 88% of doctors agreed.
* Rats are 37% effective in identifying what causes cancer in humans. Flipping a coin would be more accurate.
* According to animal tests lemon juice is deadly poison, but arsenic, hemlock and botulin are safe.
* 40% of patients suffer side effects as a result of prescription treatment.
* Over 200,000 medicines have been released most of which are now withdrawn. According to the World Health Organisation, 240 medicines are essential.
* Thousands of drugs passed safe in animals have been withdrawn or banned due to their effect on human health.
* Aspirin fails animal tests, as do digitalis (heart drug), cancer treatments, insulin (causes animal birth defects), penicillin and other safe medicines. They would be banned if results from animal experimentation were accurate.
* When the producers of thalidomide were taken to court, they were aquitted after numerous experts agreed animal tests could not be relied on for human medicine.
* Morphine puts humans asleep but excites cats.
* 95% of drugs passed by animal tests are immediately disgarded as useless or dangerous to humans.
* One in six patients in hospital are there because the drug they have taken had been passed safe for us on humans after animal tests.
* Worldwide, at least 22 animals die every second in labs. In the UK one animal dies every five seconds.
* The contraceptive pill causes blood clots in humans but it had the opposite effect in dogs.
* We use aspirin for aches and pains. It causes birth defects in mice, rabbits and rats.
* Researchers refused to believe that benzene could cause cancer in humans because it failed to in animal tests.
* Dogs failed to predict heart problems caused by the cardiovascular drugs encainide and flecainide, which led to an estimated 3,000 deaths in the USA.
* Heart by pass surgery was put on hold for years because it didn't work on dogs.
* If we had relied on animal tests we would still believe that humans don't need vitamin C, that smoking doesn't cause cause cancer and alcohol doesn't cause liver damage.
* It was denied for decades that asbestos caused disease in humans because it didn't in animals.
* Polio researchers were mislead for years about how we catch the disease because they had experimented on monkeys.
* As one researcher points out, the ultimate dilemma with any animal model of human disease is that it can never reflect the human situation with complete accuracy."
This is only part of why I love these little beasts. It's just downright noble of these little angels. Rats have definitely done more to help than probably any other creature (including many humans). At least that's what I tell myself.
:roseopen: Bravo Pauly, maybe I need to design & paint t-shirts giving them praise & recognition! for us to wear! Or design one & have the design shop here print up some if every one wanted to chip in!
I've been an admin in the biomedical field for years, now I'm in clinical trials which I'm happy with because I don't have to be in the lab with animals.

These are my two favorite poster.



I can tell you from personal experience that animal research is NOT cheap. It cost a LOT of money to purchase them, house them and take care of them. I have never worked with or for anybody who didn't respect the animals.

If your going to say that you are 100% against medical research that involves animals, then don't go to the doctor, don't take ANY medications, ect...because ALL of those where at one time or another tested on animals.

I usually stay out of these kinds of threads because I respect everyone's opinion and Vanessa has put out some very interesting facts, gives you something to really think out. This is not a black and white subject.

A shirt would be pretty awesome. BTW!
I accept that animals are used for medical research. I accept many things that they are used for.
The only thing that really gets me is when someone who has obviously benefitted from this animal testing (or any other use), goes and says rats are gross, or useless, or pests. Wild rats can be pests, but look at how many lives they've saved as a species. At least, if you've ever benefitted from these animals at all, give their brethren the respect they desrve.
:exactly: Thank you for the wonderful posters I am saving them, I am going to see how much my friend charges to print out a batch, but isn't there a place line that will make a t-shirt for you of anything, we will see what we can find, any help will be appreciated, Love Phyllis.