Could someone set my (& my housemate's) mind at ease?

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Active Member
Apr 19, 2018
About to get friend for our rat (so that this can be her forever home) when I saw on this forum:
"My 10 year old daughter contracted streptobacillus moniliformis (rat bite fever) from her rat's sneeze! My daughter almost died. Although rats are very sweet, most carry this deadly bacteria."
It is extremely rare, so rare that no one ever worries about it
and when people get ill, regardless of the cause they need to get medical attention

Edit: The link Fidget provided looks good. It provides a few suggestions, such as washing hands after handling pets.
There are a couple of diseases people can catch from rats but this is extremely rare, and people are fine if they receive medical care (usually antibiotics).
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washing hands after handling pets
I'd been meaning to ask about that too - do you all actually do that? I'm thinking of the time lost to a gazillion washings per day and destroying my skin! Maybe just for the immune-compromised/children/situations of known or suspected illness, etc?