Cats with rats?

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New Member
Feb 14, 2019
United States
sorry I couldn’t find anything on this. I have 2 cats. My cats are not allowed anywhere near my rats, but they (cats) seem fairly interested in what’s on the otherwise of the door. My cats have brought in mice before. I would NEVER want to put my rats in a stressful situation, and I’ve heard somewhere that rats can smell snakes, so would they feel threatened by a cat? I love my babies so much and I don’t want to scare the rats!
Personally, if the cats are showing that much interest, I would move the rats to where the cats are unable to reach them, or simply make the room off-limits to the cats. It's dangerous for both animals involved to be near each other. The rats may reach through the bars and even bite the cat or the cat may be able to claw them through the bars. The first and last time my dog ever pushed his nose against the bars, he get bit by someone. He doesn't go near the cage anymore. He, of course, did this when I wasn't looking because I had previously told him "no."

It's stressful for the rats to have a large animal like that looming. I'm not too sure on whether or not rats smell a snake or cat and immediately associate them with danger or not. Rats all assume we're dangerous and predators until we show them we're not; which is why there is so many people struggling to gain a rat's trust.