Can you remember your first ever pet rat/s?

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I had wanted a Rat since I was a kid, when I was 19 and moved out for the first time I got a pretty charcoal fancy rat , Charlotte.
I was sooooo excited to have her. It was a dream come true.
I was so sad when she passed away, I thought Id never get another rat again, I was so attached to her it was really hard to lose her.
a few years later though, my hubby suggested we get sister rats, so we got two females.
Ava and Faye, beautiful fancy rats. Everything went great but one morning I woke up to a massacre and they had fought so
badly Faye passed away from her injuries and Ava passed on 4 months after that. It was very upsetting and I seriously considered saying no to rats from that point on. But now Im on #4 and am pretty sure I will always need to have a rat in my life! Im hooked! ;)
First rat was McTavish O'Brien. I decided for some odd reason to give him a very strange name, and from then on all of my rats have had the "last name" O'Brien. O'Brien is just the last name of rats.(which is neither my last name nor my husbands, lol). He was an adorable, squishy, lovely dumbo black hoodie. He was also bred as a feeder so his life was sadly short and his passing sudden. He was photogenic as anything and was extremely loving. He was my original shoulder rat. I used to take him EVERYWHERE with me, even the hardware store where they loved him to pieces.
I got Templeton, my first rat, earlier this year (I was 18). I got him because my brother had a pet rat (Rizzo) many years ago and I always thought he was without a doubt the coolest pet on the planet. After I got him I started reading up on rats and learned that you should always go with at least two, so sweet little Algernon came into the picture.

I had them in the same cage, but separated by levels because they weren't ready to share the cage yet. I got up one morning and Templeton wasn't in the bottom half of the cage. I freaked out, thinking he had somehow escaped, until I saw that my barricade between levels was destroyed. Coming closer to the cage, I expected to find one of them badly injured or dead (they fought REALLY badly) but instead found the two buttheads curled up, fast asleep, in a tube hammock I had made them-the best of friends, all differences forgotten :D
emberanne said:
I had wanted a Rat since I was a kid, when I was 19 and moved out for the first time I got a pretty charcoal fancy rat , Charlotte.
I was sooooo excited to have her. It was a dream come true.
I was so sad when she passed away, I thought Id never get another rat again, I was so attached to her it was really hard to lose her.
a few years later though, my hubby suggested we get sister rats, so we got two females.
Ava and Faye, beautiful fancy rats. Everything went great but one morning I woke up to a massacre and they had fought so
badly Faye passed away from her injuries and Ava passed on 4 months after that. It was very upsetting and I seriously considered saying no to rats from that point on. But now Im on #4 and am pretty sure I will always need to have a rat in my life! Im hooked! ;)
Emberanne, this is weird. I, too, had a charcoal-colored girl, and she was also named Charolette. And I too took her death SO hard. I'm still not over it. :sad3:
It was January 2002. I got Benny and Russo. A few days later, I went back to the pet store and brought home Ira and Charly Sox. 2 months later I picked up Lou, Reef and Shai... and so on and so on. I was 32 and hooked.
Such nice stories :) My first rat I mentioned in my Intro of myself, I got on my 13th birthday, he was a single male of about 1yr old, my mom got at the pet store. We didn't know rats needed cage mates so he only knew me his whole life. Suprisingly he lived a very long life of 4yrs happily with me. His name was Sir Lancelot, was going through a Dragon/Knight phase I loved lol. I called him Lance for short. He was my best friend, my diary of secrets aka. I'd tell him things and he'd just listen hehe. He was my TV/Homework partner, and my tiny shoulder to cry on when I needed someone. On my 16th birthday, he died in my hands after a vet said he was just old and shutting down, nothing they could do other then for me to take him home and keep him comfortable. So I held him all that day...and towards the evening, with me on the floor with him on a pile of comfy pillows, with my brother supporting me...we watched him fall asleep...

I cried so hard I didn't know when to stop, oddly after I buried him out in the backyard with a carved stone to indicate his grave site, my sister came up to me and said "Come on I'm getting you another little friend, your crying on your birthday needs to be fixed now." Of course I didn't want another rat day one I just lost Sir Lancelot, but she insisted it and so that's when I got Avalone who lived for 2yrs. After his death I decided not to have anymore pet rats or any little pets, the loss was too much for me at the time. 6yrs later now I have 3 boys with me today :) despite we've had some more losses here over this year, I still love ratties, and I don't think I could bare being without them. They defiently keep me on my toes, happy and loved.
mine was a black hooded named Missy, she is the one in my DP, and was my alpha. I convinced hubby to allow me to get her because at the local pet store they had the tank open, and she kept climbing up my arm, no matter how many times I put her back, then 2 days later I went back for her sister a PEW I named Snowy, since I discovered they did better in pairs.
My first girlie was a black hooded named LilLucy.. I came up with her name as I was getting in the car from the petstore, just meant to be :) I snuck her in with a cage and everything when we got home lol. I was 19 so my parents weren't too mad when I evenually let them meet her. I spent hours bonding with her but I knew she needed a friend so I went back to get Misty-a blue hooded. Those two little girls were my best friends... I got a tattoo of LilLucy after she passed away :)
My first two rats were Zitka and Akai.
They were two beautiful PEW boys from a pet store.
Already in the car on the way home they fell asleep with me petting them :heart: (that store/chain of stores work a lot with their animals)
Both of them had pretty healthy lives until they got close to two years old.
I couldn't have asked for better rats :heart:
They didn't seem to have poorer eyesight than my black eyed rats either :wink2:
And SO much healthier than the rats I've had since! Both from pet stores and breeders...

My boys.. I have no idea who's who.. :giggle:
I remember my first rat, Zeppelin. Bought him from a pet store. I feel so sorry for him living alone and all that, but i did not know better, so..
He was a sweetie, a real cozy rat. He had a open cage all day an felt asleep on the top of the closet or in my shoe. He was absolutley adorable, but propobly very lonley.
He became about 2.5 year old or something, and was healthy all his life.
Barnaby and Disashi, two sweet brothers. They were dumped on me by a "friend" (some friend!) I was allergic and poor, so not the best new owner. But I had the Rat 101 crash course, overcame the allergies, and fell utterly in love. Barnaby was an agouti hooded miscreant who I adored. Disashi was a black hoodie who was sweet as pie and stole my heart the moment I met him. I always wish I could go back and have them again now that I know more. They were good boys <3
How could I ever forget? They're responsible for most of my pleasure in life over the last 14 years...

July 16/98 Tinky was found in our parking lot and Neighbour Robert took her in thinking my pet mouse had escaped, lol. I came home, took her in, then Georgie was found in the parking lot a couple hours later. I took him in (never had touched a rat before that). Neighbour Gil hit the 2nd hand store for a cage. Found I had a boy and a girl, sat up for hours constructing a divider for the cage. We all went door to door in the neighbourhood but nobody claimed them, so they stayed. Aug 24/98 Georgie was neutered so they could be together. Sept 4/98 Tinky had 13 babies (must've turned my head for a sec when they were on the couch together while I cleaned the cage). (btw, me not knowing any better Georgie stayed with Tinky & the babies the whole time and nurtured the babies giving Tinky time-outs)
Rehomed most of the babies, just kept 2 with Georgie & Tinky. Found I was allergic to rats so wasn't going to have any more when the last one passed Mar 27/00.
I was jonesing with GGMR for 5 months and couldn't take it any more. Got Nellie Aug 29/00, then Ladybug, then Whisper, Taz, Hope, Angel, Tug, Breeze, Starlit, Tassie, Kiwi......
Haven't been ratless for 12 years til Apr 27 this year. :cry4:

the first rat I remember was when I was about five. a PEW called Fluffy. I named her, but she was more my mums than mine really.

my first MINE rats, I think I was nine or ten. Bilbo and Gandalf.