Brenna lung? sounds, video with audio

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Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2009
my girls Brenna and Smidgen came from a home with heavy smokers. I am guessing that is why one of them has some odd breathing issues from time to time. Or maybe it has nothing to do with the smoking; can you tell I'm very paranoid about the effects of smoking? :?

Brenna has always had some off and on loud breathing noises but it comes and goes and hasn't lasted long enough for it to be heard by the vet (one vet checked her out and didn't hear anything abnormal, but by the time she was seen, the noise had stopped)

I finally got a video where you can hear the noise, and also a video that shows her fast breathing

when she has these very infrequent episodes, she will also exhibit fast breathing, even while resting and if she's been running around it gets even faster. she will keep going but at a certain point she needs to stop and just catch her breath, it seems.

This video shows her fast breathing- she was not running around just before this, she was just laying in the hammock!!

In this one you can hear her lung(?) or breath sounds.
The first time it's audible is at 0:22 and then again at 1:13...
and I think you can hear it faintly when she climbs up on me toward the end 1:54 or so?
You'll need the volume up pretty high, and there's some background noise plus a funny sound from the camera (sounds like a buzzing from the camera)
but I think you can still pick out what sounds are coming from her

what do you think?
Her fast breathing is her sniffing. But otherwise, she doesn't look like she's having any difficulties. The noise is a concern but if the vet has been listening to her lungs and they are always clear, then I wonder if perhaps it's all nasal. Maybe even scarring?
jorats said:
Her fast breathing is her sniffing. But otherwise, she doesn't look like she's having any difficulties. The noise is a concern but if the vet has been listening to her lungs and they are always clear, then I wonder if perhaps it's all nasal. Maybe even scarring?

so maybe its coming from her nose? it has never happened even two days in a row, so she's never seen a vet while it's like that.

she isn't sneezing. That's what makes me think it may be scarring, but I don't know why it would come and go like that.
Some irritant, perhaps?
although it doesn't coincide with say, Owen's sneezing, which might be allergies....

she's my mystery girl!
when it happens it sounds so awful, I think she must be horribly ill, and then it's gone, poof!
and I don't hear it again for many months

thanks for the feedback!

I'm keeping a close eye on this girl. oh who am I kidding? I keep a close eye on all my kids :lol:
I agree with Jo, about the fast breathing (normal) and the possible scarring or nasal involvement. She seems just fine and has one of those off and on noises that drive us rat owners nuts. Watch, like you are doing, but I don't think she needs anything at this point :D
I think(if I heard the right sound..) that my Nirvana makes a similar sound, and it drives me NUTS!
She´s been to the vet several times, and has had an lung x-ray done, and nothing.. Everything is fine..
We´re testing out allergy meds now, since she´s also sneezing a lot..