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Sep 11, 2015
Spokane, Wa
I hope this is the right place to post this, I'm not sure. But my rat has been nibbling me lightly off and on ever since I got her. I tell her no, not in a bad way thought. I got to pet her today and give her rubs this morning and I could tell she really liked it. But when I went back to give her more like 1 or 2 hours later, she first nibbled me like normal, then bit me and drew blood. I was wondering how can I go about bonding with a rat that seems scared like this. Also she might be prego. And I would like to know how to properly care for a rat bite. For the one I have now and any future ones. I have been bit worse though, it was not THAT bad.
Your new little rat might be biting because she's pregnant. Hopefully she is not but it's good that you want to keep trying to bond with her.
First, your rat bite should be washed in hot soapy water. That's pretty much it. You can apply polysporin ointment on your bite.
There's this really good site that helps how to do trust training with rats. it's full of really good articles and it will help you to develop a better relationship with your girl.