Bear (seizures) is now at Peace <3

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Yikes, that's a bad one... Hope the melatonin is the final piece of the puzzle. Need to meditate later - will send positive vibes and images of good health your and his way.
Bear seemed agitated last night but never had a seizure...had his 2nd dose of melatonin, and his pheno "treat". I unfortunately had to deal with one of my older rats seizing all night long...I mean really Rat Gods?? I know you like to challenge me sometimes but this felt cruel. :(
You need injectable Diazepam (or Lorazepam) to break the seizure cycle. Maybe Dr.Munn would give you some if he saw this video. Status epilepticus is life-threatening.
I didnt have anything injectable so had to watch him seize from 8 pm to 4 am, then I got him to swallow phenobarbital and gave him 10 cc's of fluids, unfortunately he passed at 2 am last night
Bear actually isn't. He's had 5 seizures today that I know of (I went out a few hours) but did manage to get a full seizure on video, which I'll upload and post tomorrow.
Lots more seizures, I have Karen from the Ratguide trying to get us tty hough. We had to do a 2nd bolus of phenobarb at 4 mg/kg and it's been 17 mins since his last seizure...keep your fingers crossed
Such a horrible sight. I nearly cried when I watched that vid. I really really hope he will get better soon!!
Oh Ubuntu Bear had a good night on Tuesday night, with seizures every 2 hours or more but last night wasn't great with seizures every 30 mins on average. I unfortunately fell asleep so only got the pattern for part of the night. This morning I pulled him out for more observation and poor Bear had seizures at 6:52, 6:55 and 7 am. I am continuing to watch him carefully
Pray the potassium bromide comesbin today.