Baby Mouse ran over by lawn mower, still alive, Help!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2009
london, ont
The baby mouse is fine, but a missing toe.

but this leaves me with a baby mouse! its eyes arn't even open.

I dont know what to feed it, or how to keep it alive.




Do you know where the little fella came from? Can you maybe find his nest in your yard? If so, put him back ASAP. If not, see if you can google some information about keeping him alive. Atleast he wasn't badly injured by the lanwmower!
So, to add to my post, I just googled around.. and apparently raising baby rats, and raising baby mice, is very similar. Do you have ay gatoraid or pedialyte? If so, see if you can get some into the baby. Take a small piece of fabric, and get him to latch onto te corner, then drip the gatoraid/pedialyte onto the fabric, so he can suck it out. It should keep you held over for now.
The best option would be to return him to the nest
Second best would be to put him in with a litter of pet mice, get him to smell like them and then add the mama so that she will raise him with her babies. (A pet store might have a nursing mama & litter you can get.)

Feed him soy infant formula and keep him warm and hydrated if you can not return him to the nest ... drug stores and grocery stores sell soy infant formula.

See this thread about a baby rat that was a bit older then your baby mouse is.

Please note that there is a good chance that a wildlife rehab center will use the baby as food for an animal they are rehabing.
Some wildlife centers may rehab baby rats and mice, but many, perhaps even most, will just view rats and mice as a food source .... and they probably will not tell you they are going to feed the baby to an owl or some other animal.
info on rehab centers from:
Here are some articles on orphaned baby rats and mice.
One of the articles includes a feeding chart giving number of times/day and overnight, dependent upon age


You may also need to wipe the baby's bottom & tummy with a warm damp cotton ball etc to stimulate it to eliminate after each feeding.
If you find you need to feed the baby by syringe, and if it is unable to lick the formula off the end of a syringe or off a dish and you have to put the formula into the baby's mouth, you will want to give tiny amounts into the side of the mouth so it is less likely to go down into the lungs.

Lots of suggestions re wild babies here
You can always phone her and talk.

when i woke this morning, his eyes were open and he was alert, i decided that returning him back into the wild was the best thing. i put him back were i found him and he scampered off.