Babies and Pooping

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
Concord,North Carolina, United States
So new baby Noelle seems to be eating and drinking just fine. Still has her sneezies though. I watch her closely, as any of us would a new baby, just to make sure everything is tip top. Well I noticed that most of her poops are normal-firm and dark colored. But then she produces some real runny light colored pellets-especially when I have her out on my should or when she is resting in my's so gross and they kinda, smell. I know it's poop and all...but all of us know that a rat poop doesn't have a strong pooh odor most of the time. I don't remember any of my other rats having poops like that-runny and icky smelling. Other than that and the sneezes she seems alright, she a very timid licky little girl.
And I just have to ask, what is it with babies becoming mass poop machines when you decide to hold or play with them. Do they just hold it in and wait until we pick them up? I swear they do! As soon as they get inside your shirt or get up on your shoulder they belt out a few rounds.... :scratch:
Anyway should the runny soft poops be a real concern? I have never had a rat with wet tail but I do know that diarhea is one of the symptons...I suppose it could be her coming off some nasty blend rat food also. She has been getting Lab Blocks, peas, and apples the past few days. I am just a worrisom mommy!
Yeah, I'd worry too, I never had a kid with with abnormal poops except one who was sick since adoption from spca. But she was very sick in all ways.
Your kid is eating fine so maybe it's just a diet adjustment? Make sure she's getting enough water and give her a couple days? That's what I'd suggest.
I hope all is well!
Those are what we call "fear poops". Happens all the time when a young rat is uncertain/anxious/worried/scared in his/her present moment, their poops become runny. Nothing to be concerned about... she just needs more time to get used to be taken out and getting shoulder rides.
The first time I picked up a ratty, when SQ was choosing her first three ratties, I didn't know that they would be frightened by strange hands holding them up high. Poor little Cindy let out a few disgusting green and smelly poops (lord knows what kind of food she was getting at the time) and she trembled. She calmed down when I spoke to her gently and let her get used to me.

I think that little ones poop most of their waking hours anyway!! And they are very excitable.
jorats said:
she just needs more time to get used to be taken out and getting shoulder rides.
I think I will try the shoulder rides again when she is a little bigger. She has a very poor sense of depth perception and litterally walks right off of my shoulder and it's a mad scramble to intercept the furball before she hits the floor-scares the crap out of me! :doh: Last night I had her on the bathroom counter and she walked to the edge-now most babies get to the edge and lean and sniff and look about and figure that yeah, their is no more ground here so I should stop going this way....well not Noelle. She stops-looks over the edge-then keeps going and she took a header into the trashcan! :panic: Thankfully their were a bunch of my husbands old holey socks in there because he had gotten new ones for christmas....poor baby and poor me because she is going to give me a heart attack! I can tell she is going to be a little goofball and a licker, when she grooms she grabs my finger and I swear she is trying to lick the skin off....she is such a doll! :heart:
I dont want to concern you because it could just be her being a baby...but could she be blind?

She could also just be really scared, because a scared rat will do anything to get away (ie jumping off a table)