Am I doing everything I can for my rat?

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Jun 30, 2008
NS, Canada
I took my rat Tuxedo Slim (Tux for short) to the vet today because he has been having trouble walking, and when he does walk it was often in circles. I was given two antibiotics and have to administer them every 12 hours for 14 days. Luckily, my rat loves the taste and that part has been very easy, I'm just wondering if there is anything else I can do for him.
All day he has been napping on my bed while his cage mates have free roam of my room. I did this to hopefully reduce stress, and also that I can feed and water him whenever I think I should, as well as cuddle with him and help him fall asleep.
He's approximately 2 years old and has always been slightly underweight, even though he is a big boy. I'm not sure why that is considering one of his cage mates is a tad too plump and Tux is the dominant rat and has no issues getting the food he wants. Because hes been getting a bit thinner as he ages I've been feeding him high calories snacks. So far today he has had a very good appetite and has eaten everything I put in front of him (almonds, granola, baby cereal mixed with soy milk and olive oil) as well as drank plenty of water and soy milk. To my knowledge he has only urinated twice in the last few hours, and I'm wondering if thats good or bad. I've just given him a little bit of pedialyte and a bit more water just to be sure. He's also been sleeping a lot on my bed, which I encourage because I hope the rest helps him heal and also if he is in any pain it'll make it more bearable for him. I've also left a scarf on the bed while I'm doing things around my room, which he cuddles up too.
His actual condition seems to go back and forth. His eyes are bright when he's awake, but he can't seem to hold himself up very well on his legs, although he grooms himself very easily, but not as well as usual because he loses his balance. If I notice him trying to groom I try to support him so he doesn't tip and can groom himself. I also bought a fine toothed comb and have been using that and a damp clothe to help him keep clean. He's not quite as clean as he usually is but he's almost there. He's also been grooming his cage mates when they come up to visit. I don't know what clubbing is, but does that mean that he's holding his hands in a fist? If so his feet and legs are normal, just weak. I've only noticed him making fists when he grooms his face and head. Also, when he sleeps he sounds stuffed up and raspy and I've noticed the red stuff around his nose, something he's never really had until recently.
The antibiotics I have for him are to treat an ear infection, although I am very scared it could be a brain tumor. I know I have to wait to see if the drugs work, but what are the odds that he has a tumor, and can anything be done to prolong his life (in a way that isn't painful for him) if he has one? My vet told me it was either a ear infection or a tumor, and he doesn't believe it was a stroke.
Also, should I be doing anything else to make sure that he is as comfortable as possible, with the best chances of recovery, or at least a happy last few days?
Sorry for this super long message. I'm just really worried about him. I hate to admit this, but he's my favorite rat and we have a special bond. I'm usually off with my friends around this time of night, but I've been with him for the last 10 hours straight (since we got back from the vet), watching movies and cuddling with him. I have no problem being with him most of the time for the next 14 days while I wait and hope for the antibiotics to work), so any advice on nursing him back to some level of health would be appreciated.
Also, should I put him back in with his two cage mates for the night or keep him by himself? I have an old hamster cage that I could use, although it's not as big as his regular cage.
Once again, sorry for the long long message, I'm just worried and anxious.
Hi, don't apologize for the long post, the more information you can give us is actually very useful.
Your boy is an old man so the slowing down, the weaker legs and less cleaning is actually very normal. He may have a pituitary tumour or it may just be an ear infection. If it is, then he should fully recover. If it's a pituitary tumour, it is terminal and can progress slowly or quite fast. What two meds were you given for him?
Other than that, you seem to already be doing so much for your old man. I would put him back with his buddies at night. It sounds like he takes comfort with them with the grooming.
Thank you for your reply!
The medication I am giving him as of this afternoon are 0.1 ml's each Baytril and Doxycycline, twice a day, at noon and midnight. I hope this is what he should be taking.
I'll be sure to put him back with his cage mates tonight. On a side note, my other two rats have not been eating as much lately. Whenever I feed them they simply go to the top of the cage and stare at me like they want a treat. When I give them one they rarely eat it. However they are otherwise acting their normal and playful selves. It has just been confusing me.
When my rats get a little older, they don't eat as much either. I wonder if perhaps your two boys are feeling the change in Tux and are sad or confused about it.

Baytril and doxy are a good choice, but prednisone would help with an ear infection and perhaps even slow down a possible pituitary tumour. You might want to ask your vet to consider giving you some for Tux.
As soon as I get some more money on Friday I'll go back to the vet to ask him for that medication.

An update on Tux: Today tux is feeding himself out of his bowl without any help from me. This is the first time since Saturday that I haven't had to feed him myself. I hope this is a good sign. He also has more strength in his legs and is holding himself up higher. He's also grooming a bit easier too. Right now he's walking a bit faster around his cage, not running but maybe the rat equivalent of a jog. I hope he keeps getting better :(
I betcha the poor boy just has an ear infection. No Name had one and she would only go backwards and in circles. Unfortunately for me I caught it too late and she had a permanent head tilt but you seem to have caught it in time.
You are doing everything that you can.
Another update:

Tux seems more tired today, and I'm really worried. Saturday when I first notiched him feeling sick, he was walking in circles and could barely groom himself. Now he can groom himself a bit better, and doesn't walk in circles. He does still sleep a lot though, and seems to get tired quickly. It's the end of day 5, and the vet told me this was likely when I'd see improvements. Are this really improvements or is it basically the same, or maybe I am simply expecting to much to fast.
Today I also notiched a thick white and somewhat solid discharge from his penis while I was cleaning him, which worried me. I can't seem to find out online what it is/means. Does anyone know?
Your old man had a penis plug. When they get old and sickly, they stop grooming themselves properly so we have to do it for them. I recommend you keep checking his penis for plugs regularly.
I would also say the meds are working because he is no longer going in circles... but keep in mind, he's aging so he will be slower, also, I've noticed that some meds just tire rats out. He really should be on the meds for at least another 2 weeks.
Thanks for such a quick reply Joanne.
I'm glad to hear the discharge isn't a sign of something more serious. How often should I check him for plugs? Once a day? More?
Also, I was told by the vet to give him the medication for 14 days. If I have more should I continue to give it to him for a few days past that point? Also, I was given a large amount of Doxycycline (60 ml) and much less of Baytril, even though I am supposed to give the same amount with the same frequency, is there a reason that you know of for this?
Sorry for asking all these questions, I am just concerned and confused.
I would check on the plug once a day. You should notice it with a good whiff, it really doesn't smell good.

I would definitely continue the medications for as long as I can. I really don't know why the vet sold you more of doxy than Baytril, weird...
I'm worried. Tux doesn't seem to really be progressing. Lately, although hes been grooming more, he still is having trouble walking and doesn't feed himself. However, for a while he had a lot of the red stuff around his eyes, but for the last few days they've been completely clear. I don't know what to make of this.
I get paid again Friday and will be taking him to the vet again.
It does sound like typical old age and also perhaps a very slow growing pituitary tumour.
My old man Pascal, he's now 39 months old, he barely can walk, he must pull himself and drag himself around, he doesn't clean himself anymore so I do it for him. He doesn't eat very much but he does enjoy his baby cereal. But with all that, he still enjoys being petted, talked to and cuddling up with his rattie buddies. For him, it's just old age.

But... if deep down you feel something is off, something is not right with Tux, then it's best to see an exotic vet.
Another update:

Tux is looking even thinnner. He's still got a decent appitite, but he gets tired very quickly from eating. He's still grooming himself, and I'm still helping but he's getting quite dirty. He has no clumps or anything in his fur, but it's not the same white colour. I think I'll try to give him a quick bath when I get home from work tonight. Is baby wash ok to use on a rat?
Tux is also losing a lot of fur, but I've been noticing this happening for a few months, it just seems to be getting worse. I'm taking him to the vet Monday after work.
Also, he's been doing a lot of eye boggling. I don't know why he'd doing this. He seems to do it right after he's eaten/drank and I'm holding and petting him. Someone told me tooth grinding can be a sign of pain? Is this true?
Sounds more like he's a happy rattie if he boggles right after eating and you're holding him. Bruxing can be a sign of pain too but you can tell when it's different.
I just got back from the vet...
The vet was very concerned about Tux. He is convinced that it is something neurological. One of the reasons being that whenever you touch Tux below his neck, he quickly moves to groom that spot. He's also almost totally immobile now and is losing a lot of fur from over grooming. He's also lost about 1/5 of his body weight since the last visit.

He's giving me some Metacam to give him, but if that doesn't work he feels that Tux should be put to sleep. I don't want to do this obviously, but Tux has been eating and drinking less and less despite my best efforts, and he seems to be grinding his teeth a lot (aside from the eye boggling). His quality of life has seemed to severely drop off in the last 2 or 3 days. His weight loss also seemed to happen so fast. I've been so depressed and sad the last three weeks, especially since just last week my grandfather committed suicide, but I'm trying to be tough and always thinking whats best for Tux. I've euthanasia animals in the past and it's never easy for me, but I suppose there would be something wrong with me if it was.