Adia - Oct, 2005 to May 10, 2008 :’(

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
Adia was from a group of rats that had been left behind by a someone’s girlfriend after the relationship went south. The sister who had rats of her own, took in the rats but was only able to keep them until she left for England for her studies. She put up a post and I offered to help her rehome them. There were 5 girls and 5 boys, and through her and my efforts we got 5 of them adopted before the cutoff. I ended up taking in the remainder of them on July 24/06 before they ended up in a high-kill shelter.
Sadly they hadn’t been cared for well and reeked. I never bathe a rat if I can help it, but I gave in when these girls were making me feel very sick and kept running under my face.
There were 2 black hoodie girls, 2 hoodie boys and a sweet blazed lilac(?) boy as well.
The boys


Mamarat took the lovely boys into her heart and I decided to just keep the girls since there was an influx of rats in the area and no one would want black hoodies. :(
I named them Asha and Adia.
Adia was sweet from the beginning, unlike her sister who has been a bit of a challenge

Although not impressed with her bath

Asha started to grow but Adia stayed petite…here they are at 11 months

The 2 got introduced to the Horde where they were the bottom of the ranks and Adia was fine with that, but downtrodden Asha would go into these strange occasional rages and would harass the other rats…Adia would get pinned and powergroomed along with her sister when she didn’t deserve it.

2 years old

She had a toe bitten and had to have the toe amputated but here she is after her surgery, in the thick of things again…I mean c’mon, its Chicken!

Adia loved gentle Brie and Lucine most of all, and of course those 2 left her and no one replaced them in her affections.

Sadly my lovely little gal developed a tumour in an awkward place. It was joined to her right forearm and really hindered her with her grooming so I had to help out a lot. The tumour never grew very big but you could tell she hated it. :sad-p:

When the Horde started ignoring her I ended up taking her out and she ended up with Bagel and Goliath…where she seemed happier.

I kept thinking she was unhappy, but what I missed was her acceptance and I kept seeing the sad frustrated little girl and when she started having neuro symptoms I decided she was to go in with Lisbet on Thursday morning to be pts (she had an appointment for Saturday already). I was syringing Ensure into Lisbet when Adia decided to go MIA on the floor (she would fall off the couch so you couldn't leave her there). The girl couldn’t really walk but she disappeared. I was frantic! I looked for her most of the night. I put down water for her just in case and sadly took Lisbet in to Dr. Munn’s that morning.
I finally found Adia filthy, bright-eyed, hungry but mostly pleased with herself that evening. I warmed up Ensure and started feeding a hungry girl…she did get a bath after this pic.

Last night I fed and stroked Adia goodnight while she bruxxed for me, this morning I found a cold and stiff girl. I was shocked, I just don’t find my rats like that anymor, I am usually very aware that they are going to leave and will hold them (if they want) until they go. She really fooled me. :roll: My thoughts are that she felt Bagel leave and maybe he told her how wonderful it was to leave behind those defective bodies of theirs, so she did.
I will not cry for my little gal, its what she wanted and she wouldn’t like me feeling sorry for her.
I hope she and Bagel can take care of each other until I get there. I can see those 2 bouncing around causing havoc right now. :heart:
That's a most comforting thought, Bagel urging her to leave an old body and to find joy again with him. Almost like Bagel needed to join you, find Adia to help her.
She's free and happy again. :heart:
What a sad few days for you... I guess Goli is on his own again.

I too like the idea of Bagel asking her to join him. Knowing how quickly they got along, it wouldn't surprise me at all if that was the case.
My thoughts are that she felt Bagel leave and maybe he told her how wonderful it was to leave behind those defective bodies of theirs, so she did.
That brought tears to my eyes...How very sweet, and very comforting....
I'm sorry for your loss......but glad Bagel had company crossing over the Bridge..... :hugs:
Aww, Shelagh. I am sorry for the loss of Adia :heart: may she always be with you in your heart.
Oh, Shelagh :sad3: I am so very sorry for your loss >.< :hugs: I wish I could be there to give you a hug... I wish our babies could stay with us forever :sad3:
I'm so sorry :( All the peace & contentment that her soul speaks thru her eyes in her photos she carries with her. The knowledge of being safe & loved are part of what she is now.
You are with her still. And you didn't touch each other without sharing things that last forever. She went from loving arms to loving arms.
I'm sorry you can't hold her or see that sweet face at treat time. I'm just so sure she sees your heart more clearly than she ever did now.
Hugs Shelagh.
Such stunning photos of your beauties! It's a shame more people don't notice the black hoodies, they're not only striking but gosh the personalities!

I used to feel a little left out because I've never been around for a "beginning" of a relationship between rat and owner and have seen it to the end. I think this is my first as I believe I remember her on the old forum...? At least the post about them needing homes.

Anyway, to the point! I'm so very sorry for your loss of this dear girl who clearly had a heart of spunk! :D
Adia must have had telepathic lessons from Jerry who did something similar before he left me.

In his sick and weak state, he found his way onto the floor (strictly prohibited at the time) and did everything I thought he couldn't.

I had no idea that he was so close to leaving me and his comatose state, the next day, left me shocked and speechless.

Let's hope the two hook up at the Rainbow Bridge.... being feisty and breaking the rules is, of course, something they will be proud of for eternity. :love6: