absence, and new chew toy, FINALLY

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2012
ontario, canada
so ive been totally mia from here. i still havent gotten a new computer. no extra cash for it -_-

but i've always had trouble finding something for my girls to chew. my boy will chew any toy or whatever i give the, and my girls like to stick to the hammocks and destroy them. so i got one of those wood huts made of stick an bend to shape. PROBLEM SOLVED! THEY LOVE THAT THING not one hammock has been chewed down in about a week. im pretty pumped about it

also my attempt to litter train the girls is still a failing issue. quinn was already litter trained when i got him. but i even got a litter pan thing and still no luck. ahhh well. i just can't believe his habit didnt break with the influence of the girls lol

any interesting things ur rats like to chew on? my hammocks may depend on it :lol:
My rats love the big sponge balls and wood blocks, the tiny tiny ones for craft. They also destroy a roll of toilet paper every two days. lol
They also like to shred newspaper pages I hide under their liners.
FOAM! My boys love it. Recently got them foam blocks in different shapes and they destroyed them!
clmntine said:
FOAM! My boys love it. Recently got them foam blocks in different shapes and they destroyed them!

where do you get these? is it that craft foam that usually comes in sheets?

my guys could use a new chew toy or two. :thumbup: