A Wooden Cage?

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Mar 17, 2008
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Hey everyone,

I found this cage listed on Kijiji for 75$,


I know wood tends to soak in smells and urine and this would need to be primed and painted (although it looks like it is stained). Does anyone else think this would be a good setup? I would need to add more levels obviously but I like the height/look of it.

And, does anyone else have a wooden cage?
And on a second note,

My roommate is going to take over the cage I built when he moves out with his 2 rats so the total of my rats will only be 4. The cage calculator says that it will hold about 8 rats.
I think the wood would keep the smells in like you said and would be hard to get the smells out and wash the wood. Personally I wouldn't get it but it's up to you.
Someone made a grotto cage similar to that, and it reeked within a matter of a couple of weeks. Even when you seal the wood, there's a crack somewhere, or the rats chew the paint off - which is another concern.

Save your money.. Get a cooler cage that's easier. :wink:
Honestly, it's not worth it. Wood stinks even worse when you wash it. You don't want to be sitting there after cleaning the cage smelling the reek and seeing a nice metal one on the net for $20 more.
Also, if you get mites - which happen god-knows-how but they do - you have to put all the kid's wood stuff in the freezer for a month. Add $300 for a deepfreeze and whatever for the temporary metal cage you should have bought in the first place and it's not a real good deal..
Main Entry: ro·dent
Etymology: ultimately from Latin rodent-, rodens, present participle of rodere to gnaw;

far as your priming and painting which would be a b***h around the hardware cloth, how long do you think the wood or the paint job would last with rodents in it?
I currently have a wood-frame cage, but I made it myself, the main reason being I could build it to fit a pre-determined size. I built it so the mesh is attached to the inside so the rats can't chew and pee on it. It's also painted, so anything that does somehow get on it is more easily wiped off.

I can't tell from the pics, but if the wood is inside the mesh so the rats would have access to it, I wouldn't get it either. Also, it doesn't look like it would be very easy to access, unless I'm missing a set of doors somewhere.

I personally love my wooden cage, but this one seems to be lacking in some areas compared to store-bought cages.