4 week old rats!!! no way, they cant be...pic UPDATE *pics*

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
I know I should not have, I just couldn't help myself..!
I went to a lady's house today and she has a nice cage setup, a lone male in one cage and a female and 14 babies in the other. That is not what struck me as odd, it was the fact that the mother doesn't look like she had any milk, and the babies were the size of a mouse, literally. I mean they couldn't be any older than just 3 weeks old but she said they are 4 weeks! I cant remember the date she said they were born but the dates add up as 4 weeks. And they don't have the baby face no more, or the baby ears....they look like mice! or miniature baby rats!
The thing I THINK is wrong is they are malnourished from the mother not having much milk. The cage was big, the food was okay, there was water.
So I took 2 boys and left. Now I have them in a 5 gallon tank until I find something suitable for such itty bitty rats. but even the 5 gallon swallows them whole. They don't know how to use a waterbottle...so I put a bowl AND waterbottle. I gave them blocks and seeds. clean bedding and a box to sleep in for now. Is there anything special I should do?
here they are:

http://i1322.photobucket.com/albums/u57 ... a0bb77.jpg
maybe they are 4 weeks old but I am sure going to fatten them up...do you have suggestions to add to their seed and block?
When I got my abandoned babies I fed them lots of fresh food, veggies and what not, along with baby food and ensure. You can soften the lab blocks with some olive oil if they do not eat them (if they are too hard). It did not take long for my babies to get big lol
olive oil eh? I gotta try that...im watching them now on my coffee table and they pick up this "heavy" block and its like they don't know what to do with it but they are eating okay. and they have just discovered that WATER comes out of the spout in their tank.awwwwww...
and they bounce around like crazy, I guess I have gotten myself into a lot of fun!
what exactly do you call a black capped rat with a spot of black on their back, not a hooded but just a spot with a white diamond on their head, a blaze capped?
ive decided to name one August (I know its a girls name but there is reasoning behind this) and then the other ones name is Twenty-Six.
Reason being I have a rat named "sunday" also. and me and my husband got married Sunday August 26 :)
I like August as a name. It feels like a male name to me. :)

I just checked that pic... that one doesn't look like a boy. Do you see large testicles under their tails?
jorats said:
I like August as a name. It feels like a male name to me. :)

I just checked that pic... that one doesn't look like a boy. Do you see large testicles under their tails?

oh noes! where are the torpedoes?? :shock:
In addition to good quality blocks, blocks soaked in cold water to make mush, and daily vegs,
suggest soy infant formula (closest thing to a mama rat's milk) thickened with baby cereal (kind that does not contain added milk)
wheres the torpedos??? lol yes they are males, trust me I check and check and sometimes they show a little bit but the rats are only 2 inches long, I mean imagine how the size of their testicles are??? I compared them to a baby girl their size and yes, they are boys..and they got little sacks under there lmao.
I had to take the water bottle out and return the waterbottle...its not working well. so for now they have a bowl...besides they weren't drinking from the water bottle. but I am getting a better waterbottle today. I took out the bedding and replaced it with towels as they kept building a mountain in their dishes. they do look undernourished to me so I will supplement for now.
oh and I forgot to mention that they found their favourite hiding spot....between my hhhuhhhemmm....breastesses lol
They are so cute and do look like mice, but their tales are thick and feet are too big, but they have such big eyes! My boys like that hiding place too... :laugh4:
this is really freaking me out guys....I think I have mice!!! although they were with a momma rat with pink nipples but they looked like a mother with weaned babies, not normal nipples but not engorged ones..omg! what if I, ME, whose owned mice and rats before, got MICE!!!!
omg omg omg omg, totally freaking! their tails even look mousish!