1 rattie left - suggestions needed

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So, I broke the news to Ennis this evening about his soon-to-be cage mates....
And he started to BOGGLE in my lap!

He he!

I'm going to take this as a good sign and assume he knew what I was saying & is excited about the new company.

Since I am bringing in new ratties soon, do I need to quarantine them for a few weeks first? I have never done this before, so any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Where were these little guys before? If they were living alone in a home and no other rats, and they were and stay healthy, I would quarantine them in another room of your home for about a week just to make sure they remain healthy. If you see them sneezing, then do it for two weeks. We don't want sweet Ennis getting sick. :wink:
They were rescue rats from a guy that was breeding them as feeder rats for his snake.

But the babies have been at their foster moms house pretty much since birth. She says they are well socialized.

I emailed her to ask about any health issues with sneezing and such and if she has any other ratties that she is fostering.