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I was just about to comment on those balls! Everyone seems to have them and it's such a smart idea. I'll add it to my shopping list!

By the way, those hanging chains meant for birds...do rats actually use them? I bought a ton of hanging bird toys but no rat ever used them. :(
My rats use all the wooden chew toys - but their favorite by far are the ones with rope and paper they can tear off. I have it hanging in my cage (one on top level and one on bottom), and they get some good abuse! Mine don't seem to use the plastic chains at all, but they do use the wooden letter blocks frequently. They love to pick them up and carry them around, and most of them are chewed up. You can get dog rope toys, wooden blocks, and some cat toys at the dollar store. :) My rats are chewers, but I find if I give them lots of things they leave the houses and hammocks alone. (mostly!)
Wire's holding up great, it's the zip ties that are dying! I'm slowly adding craft wire to attach it, and so far so good. Since I started replacing zip ties with wire, no escapes! I'm making sure to put wire on at least each corner of each panel, I want to redo some because I didn't make it as tight as I'd like.
Oh yes those loose wooden rope chew toys are great for them. :D It's the hanging things from the ceiling that get totally ignored, haha. I recall having a hanging sequence of large rings that had a bell at the bottom that was never touched though...in hindsight I'm thankful. ;)
My FN is empty. I have to get some craft wire and gloves before I can do anything. My bf said I should get gloves so I don't cut my hands whilst cutting the steel. I'm going to try the craft wire because my girl is a chewer and maybe that means her bubs will be chewers too. Rather be safe than sorry.

Now, I see that some pans have been chewed up. What do you guys think I could wrap it in to avoid that?
I've been meaning to ask you, Jo... if you've got all those FNs now, what did you do with your Martins?

I'm going to have to get some tips for attaching wire stuff for when I *hopefully* get all the girls successfully intro'd. The giant bar spacing is fine for my older girls, but I can see the young ones wanting out out out!
Hehehe, having a helper works wonders ;) And attach the two top corners first to hold it in place, makes things loads easier!
moon said:
I've been meaning to ask you, Jo... if you've got all those FNs now, what did you do with your Martins?

I'm going to have to get some tips for attaching wire stuff for when I *hopefully* get all the girls successfully intro'd. The giant bar spacing is fine for my older girls, but I can see the young ones wanting out out out!

mamarat couldn't stop taking in rescues, so I *had* to buy my FNs so I could give her my martins. :poop: :laugh2:
Ashley said:
how did you cover the cage bars of the second FN? It looks good and would certainly help my friend who has two gigantic boys in one and is adopting a baby soon. She was worried that it would be awhile before the baby could live with her older boys.

me? I used plain aluminum window screen. It works pretty well so far. The girls have only chewed two holes in it since Feb. I think I will switch to Hardware mesh once we get moved and the cages set back up.
Vanessa said:
Wow, I can't get over this setup. Everything so nicely done and matching. And not one hole to be seen!
Ok, what is the trick guys? I put anything made of fabric in any of my cages and it has holes within the hour.
Hmmm. I thought about taking pictures of my setup, but I am feeling a bit self conscious about it.

HAHA the trick is to take pictures after you clean and have a whole new clean set put in! :lol5:

my girls chew their tray covers like mad but do not chew their hammocks or tubes. go figure!

I now just put down towels on the main lvls and just toss if they have to many holes.

My boys on the other hand have yet to chew a hole in anything, not even the trays themselves! :love4:
Shelley said:
Wire's holding up great, it's the zip ties that are dying! I'm slowly adding craft wire to attach it, and so far so good. Since I started replacing zip ties with wire, no escapes! I'm making sure to put wire on at least each corner of each panel, I want to redo some because I didn't make it as tight as I'd like.

I am in the process of slowly replacing the zip ties with wire as well. My girls have turned zip tie chewing into a sport! :gaah:
Yep, I have a few of those. I have my stacked R-680's and one day I realize that the ramp and shelf was in a weird position. They had chewed off the zip ties. After that they went for the top level, so I ended up having to put back some c-rings. :lol:
I think my two would have those lovely cages in chaos in no time! They certainly are rather orderly and chew-free! ;D
My cage is a disaster an hour after changing everything. I should take a picture later before I leave after a day :lol: They knocked some of their things over and pulled the fleece up :roll:

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