Zoo Pics (Warm blooded creatures only)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Pasadena, CA
:D We went to a small local zoo in Manhattan, KS on Easter. It was pretty nice.

Snow leopards. I got a few nice shots of these beauties. They were captivated by my dad... A 6'4 blonde fellow must be pretty entertaining.














Tiger. He made me so sad.

GOATS. 0.0


Fox-y things


Have a flamingo!

Or maybe a monkey...

OR... a VERY TINY monkey!!! SQUEE. It was so cute.


Ok, so snow leopards are captivated by tall blonde men. I'll keep that in mind next time Mike and I go to the zoo.

Great pics, BTW. Makes me want to go to the zoo again.
We joked that they wanted to eat him. :shock: Whatever it was, they followed him around the exhibit and watched us leave. Most times they just don't care about what we humans are up to.
neat pics :thumbup: I don't like monkeys :cry: but the kitty pics are pretty cool :D did you guys go see the gorillas? I heard that gorillas love blonde people especially if they have long hair :twisted:
This zoo is pretty small; they didn't have any gorillas. The had two very elderly chimps, though, but they were content with napping and paying us no nevermind. :p
Great pictures! Snow leopards - and of course, all the other animals too - are beautiful! :D

I'm curious...were the groundhogs part of an exhibit or did they just crash the party? :lol: Groundhogs can be found all over the place around here, so I thought maybe they chose to join the zoo as opposed to the zoo choosing to have them join. :wink:

They were actually an exhibit. You could walk into it and they had burrows everywhere. The city girl I am was THRILLED. I was on my tum on the gravel walk taking shots like an idiot. :p

Are they big pests in the Real World outside of the zoo?
Some people consider them pests. Groundhogs dig holes in golf courses and in people's lawns and flower beds.

There was a large, overgrown field near my house where I used to walk my dog. I remember having to constantly watch for nearly invisible groundhog holes buried under the grass. A few times, I nearly killed myself tripping over the holes I didn't see in time. :D My dog, on the other hand, didn't seem to have a problem skirting around the holes. Unfortunately, she had bushes, trees and rocks to check out so she left me to navigate the mine field on my own. :(
Sorry, Kevin, but I seriously LOL'd at the "invisible groundhog holes" although I imagine in overgrown grass they would be tough to see. Glad you never broke anything!!

Zooy, Tanner is probably the only kid in the world who refuses to go to zoos. Believe it or not, he is extremely frightened of most animals, and I'm afraid even behind fences/in enclosures we'd have serious issues. Let alone getting near the pea cocks they had running around or the groundhogs... 0.0 One day when he is older I hope he enjoys these sorts of things... And gets over his fear of animals. But for your Tanner fix:


He technically belongs in a zoo; it counts. 8) :wink:
I'm thinking so. It's not as bad as it was... And now I think more than anything he wigs out for attention. But he hates being asked to leave if he is going to pitch a fit (which was tactic number 1, being away from the action). Now I've switched to not buying into it and just not reacting to his "OH! NO! It will bit me!" act (where he got THAT from I have NO idea but I am betting one of my sisters). It seems to be working... Whenever the rats are about he wigs until he realizes I am not saying "Oh poor Tanner!" and I am ignoring him, then he will calmly watch, ask a million and 5 questions, and *sometimes* pet them quickly. He insists he doesn't like big rats, only little baby rats. :roll: I could swear Denny was his favorite back in December. :lol:
Awesome pictures! I've been wanting to go to the zoo since the fall, now I'm just waiting for the weather to warm up. The snow leopards are gorgeous, I don't think I've seen them in real life yet, they are stunning.

And a story about groundhog holes... my mother when she was younger stepped in one she didn't see and badly injured her ankle. She had to wear a cast and go in for multiple surgeries on her ankle, and its never going to be completely back to normal. So yes, invisible groundhog holes are dangerous!
Wow, I see why the tiger made you sad. But it's still nice getting a chance to see these amazing animals. I'd be pretty annoying likely with a massive telephoto lens, lol.

...I really want to go now. :p