Your rats favorite foods

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My rats LOVE carrots! They go gaga over them. May I ask how you make your own baby food and can it be frozen? I'm wondering for using it from seasonal veggies/fruits grown locally and frozen for over the winter!
I am just pureeing it with a small amount of water as needed and yes you can put it in a plastic bag and freeze it for ... 6 months? I would not risk freezing in glass but there are other options that do not risk getting freezer burnt.
Is this as a supplement to their main diet? Pureed veggies and fruits alone don't make a good balanced meal. But as an extra, mine love romaine and peas, and corn.
Yes its a supplement the main diet is Harlan teklad I feed veggies ( dark leafy greens) nightly to bring down protein levels carrots and such twice weekly and reggie rat by super pet in their burrow pan so they can search for it as a treat

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