Young rat - head tilt....please help

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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
Pickering, Ontario
Hi, I have used this site many times to look up information and figured it was my best option for getting some much needed advice right now, so I made an account...hoping somebody can help.

I have 2 male rats right now, both about 3 months old. One started with the head tilt about 2-3 weeks ago, and the other appears to be just fine. I took them both to the vet on Friday Feb.24th and was given antibiotics for one of them. The vet mentioned Baytril but that because of his age she didn't want to give him that so she gave Spectra instead. He is supposed to take it orally every 12 hours. I gave it to him when we got home on Friday and every 12 hours since (11 times so far) but see no results at all. Just wondering if anyone knows how long it should take to get results?
Also, I did some research and have noticed people talking about getting an antibiotic AND some sort of anti-inflammatory, and am a bit concerned because the vet didn't mention anything about that.

Basically I am just looking for any advice on possible other medications or anybody's experience with Spectra or maybe a different vet?...anything would be helpful, just want him to get better :(

shhtephanie said:
Hi, I have used this site many times to look up information and figured it was my best option for getting some much needed advice right now, so I made an account...hoping somebody can help.

I have 2 male rats right now, both about 3 months old. One started with the head tilt about 2-3 weeks ago, and the other appears to be just fine. I took them both to the vet on Friday Feb.24th and was given antibiotics for one of them. The vet mentioned Baytril but that because of his age she didn't want to give him that so she gave Spectra instead. He is supposed to take it orally every 12 hours. I gave it to him when we got home on Friday and every 12 hours since (11 times so far) but see no results at all. Just wondering if anyone knows how long it should take to get results?
Also, I did some research and have noticed people talking about getting an antibiotic AND some sort of anti-inflammatory, and am a bit concerned because the vet didn't mention anything about that.

Basically I am just looking for any advice on possible other medications or anybody's experience with Spectra or maybe a different vet?...anything would be helpful, just want him to get better :(


Can you read the bottle and see what else it says on here beyond Spectra? I have NO clue what that is?
What clinic did you go to?
Ahh courtice, so you are not in toronto at all. :/

Hmmm...can you call them and ask what antibiotic Spectra is? That you cannot find this online at all? Can you heck your invoice as well to see if there's any further information on it?

I did a google search and found absolutely nothing on "Spectra antibiotic"
I am actually on the Pickering/Scarborough border, but don't have a small pet vet that I go to...a friend had told me good things about that clinic so I drove up there, the day of the snow storm was my first time going there (would love to find something closer) but I just wanted him to be looked at ASAP.
Yes exactly, can't find out any information :s

I will call them. I feel like an idiot now lol...
the day I was there, their machines were down so the bottle has a label on it that was written by hand...
after also looking at the receipt from the computer, it is called SEPTRA...and I just called them and it is a general antibiotic, and apparently I should have seen results by now...
good! Septra is Bactrim, which is a very good drug for inner ear infections.

Can I double check your dosage?

Can you tell me the mg/ml and how much your boy weighs?

Head tilts which are the main sign of inner ear infection don't often resolve or only resolve a little even with treatment, , so you cannot use that as an indicator that its working. As the actual infection is cured he should become more active and happier, and hopefully less tilty in time.
Well he was never "unhappy" seeming...was still eating everything in sight and playing with his friend lol so I am thankful for that, but it was just the tilt that was there. He seems to be getting a bit more "tilty" though, that's why I am concerned...everything else is perfectly fine with him though compared to how he normally is, except for dried up red by his nose a bit more often now.

He weighs 275g
His dose is 0.2ml every 12 hours
It is a good antibiotic for what you need. :) I wouldn't worry about the anti-inflammatory at this could be too late for it to take effect. Its best early in the diagnosis. do I know when he's cured? lol
I have had lots of rats in the past, but this is my 1st experience with head tilt...will he always have it?
Should I just keep using this antibiotic or switch to something else?
Is it safe to keep him in the same cage as my other 1 or could my other boy catch whatever he has?

Sorry if these seem like dumb questions...just want him to be ok
Its not catching, so don't worry about that, there's actually few things rats will catch from each other :) Treat him for the 2 weeks and he should hopefully be just fine.

lol... if Lilspaz had become a vet.... no other vet anywhere in Canada would have been able to stand a chance...not even the famous Dr. Munn... :cheeky: :bunnydance:
I spoke to the vet today and she actually recommended we stick with the Septra and add an anti-inflammatory to it...and if that doesn't make a difference we should try Baytril. Because he is getting more tilty it seems. So going to pick that up shortly and hope it makes a difference, otherwise he will be tilty and I will be broke lol
The recommended treatment for head tilt is either baytril + clavamox, or else clorpalm (5 - 15 mg/Ib)
plus an anti-inflamatory (metacam or a steriod such as predisone are usually used)

Since the med isn't working (head tilt is increasing), you may want to ask your vet to change the medication. Do this asap.
The anit-inflamatory will help to prevent further permanent damange.
If the meds work, it is a good idea to keep the rat on the antibiotic for at least 4 weeks to ensure the infection is gone.

(from experience & the Rta Health Care book)

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