Worried about Rosie

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Junior Member
Mar 6, 2014
Hi all. Rosie still has her URI. I am going to continue giving her her doxy and Baytril, but I'm wondering why it's not clearing up. Her dose is 0.05mL for the doxy and 0.15mL for the Baytril. She is really quite small. Probably only about 2 and a half or 3 months old. I can't remember what the vet weigh her in at. somewhere in the 200s.
I'm just wondering if this dose is enough for her. What else can I do to help? I was petting her not 10 minutes ago and she came out of her home and was making this little grunting noises (for the first time, and only about 5 times.... She had been asleep before) and still sneezing.
I'm just not too confident in the vet I went to and would like some real expert opinions. Any other suggestions would be great too.
She sounds fine when she's not moving but she makes that little squeaking noise when she's moving about and sniffing.
Gaaaah. :(
I have one boy that has had a URI since last June - we just take him off the doxy/baytril when its not that bad and put him on it when he has a flare up. From what I've learned some rats just have URI's that don't clear up. Do you have a humidifier? That helps with some of our other rats that have URI's and others get nebulizer treatments.
I agree with the humidifier as something to help her feel more comfortable, especially if your house is very dry. We have a humidifier that we put on throughout the winter months for our rats because the air in here gets so dry that even sometimes we will wake up with bloody noses.

Since she's still really young, I'm not sure when you got her, but it could possibly be the "new home sneezies" too.
Though I do hope your little Rosie feels better soon!
She's been on it for about 6 days. I don't have a humidifier, however my house is quite humid. I don't have the funds to purchase one at this moment, but I did see someone mention they took their little furbaby into the bathroom and steamed it up. Could that help clear out some of Rosie's congestion too?

LittleSparrow I think you could be right. I think she actually does have a URI but she doesn't sneeze when she's in her cage and comfy. As soon as you take her out of the cage, she sneezes more. I think it's partially anxiety. I will obviously still continue to treat her for a URI.
I had a similar situation with my Kai, the vet prescribed a too-low dose and for only 14 days. After he was on medication a month total and on the correct dose for the last half of that, it cleared up.

Good luck with your Rosie!
4 weeks minimum - 6 weeks is better. Do you have air freshners, candles, etc in the house that can be bothering her too.
I have literally no money right now, but I'll continue to give her meds and hopefully by the time I run out I'll be able to see a GOOD vet. I got abs for both Rosie and Ellie but Ellie is completely fine so hopefully I have enough for a while.
My Henry has a chronic URI and always sounds grunty. I keep him on a maintenance dose of Doxy and that seems to keep the sx under control. I also keep a humidifier by his cage and I've been giving all my rats Booster Concentrate once a day, as I have heard good things about it.

Good luck with your girl!!
Only time will tell, I suppose. She's still drinking tons of water. Here's a pic of her from earlier this evening.

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