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Oct 15, 2010
So now I think my girls have worms. I noticed skittles yesterday had a piece of poo hanging from her butt. So i grabbed it. there was like a string hanging from it. SO now bindi did the same thing today, same type of string.

How did they get them, and How do i get rid of these?
What does your vet give for worms? ours just gave us profender for them. One drop on the girls, due to their weight. Since this is my first time dealing with this i would like some input.
I can honestly say I have no experience with this topic, but is it possible they poo'ed a string or thread from something they were playing with and possibly chewed? I have had one of my chewers do that from time to time.
Catibrie beat me to it. I was going to say, it might not be worms. This happens to my cat a lot, and it's happened to my rats, but it was just hair (my hair actually...I have long hair and might shed more than those with fur....). Unless they're starting to act lethargic or lose weight, I would chalk it up to a hammock fiber or hair.
I had them test it to make sure. It is just beyond me where they got them from....I am now bleaching and washing every thing so make sure it is gone.
That is what I thought with one with skittles but when i seen the one through bindi, it had the grossness of a worm. Skittles is losing weight, so I am positive it is
tapeworms..... It was kinda big, i seen pin worms before, those are small right?

With 11 rats, it could be an epidemic here LOL i have to make sure it does not spread, So i showed up to the local vet here she tested their poo, and weighed them.
hopefloats said:
tapeworms..... It was kinda big, i seen pin worms before, those are small right?

With 11 rats, it could be an epidemic here LOL i have to make sure it does not spread, So i showed up to the local vet here she tested their poo, and weighed them.


from http://ratguide.com/health/digestive/endoparasites.php

Cestodes (tapeworms)

* Hymenolepis nana (Dwarf Tapeworm) transmission direct by ingestion of cysts, or by indirect transmission. Niches in the small intestine. These cyst can be found on fomites such as in cages, water bottles, litter, or carried on hands or spread through the air.

* Hymenolepis diminuta (tapeworm) requires an intermediate host such as flea, cockroach, or grain beetle for transmission. It is found in the anterior ileum (part of intestine) of the rat.

* Taenia taeniaeformis (tapeworm) known to be transmitted through cat feces, or feed contaminated with the parasite. Rats can also be an intermediary by harboring it in the liver, and Taenia seralis in the connective tissue. Keep pet rats from cats’ litter boxes when free ranging. Food, in particular meat, if given, should be cooked well, and store dry food in tightly closed containers.

These species of cestodes listed here can infect humans but the potential is low if care is taken to keep other domestic pets treated, and prevent pet rats having exposure to them and their waste, also prevent exposure to wild rats, and insects known to spread the infection.

Cestodes, (tapeworms)
Treat with one of the following drugs; praziquantel, niclosamide, or thiabendazole.
now I looked all over for that LOL i could not find that at all. I have bleached everything in their cage, soaked, extra wash setting for the fabrics, and treated them all. IT is beyond me how they got them. I even freeze any food before giving it to them.
hopefloats said:
now I looked all over for that LOL i could not find that at all. I have bleached everything in their cage, soaked, extra wash setting for the fabrics, and treated them all. IT is beyond me how they got them. I even freeze any food before giving it to them.

do you have a cat?
no where near the rats. She is strange she only likes my daughters room upstairs, and our rats are never up there.
I was so freaked out, I posted, waited about all of 1 minute, loaded them up, went to the vet with bag of poo lol and said help! I didnt even call, i just walked in. The one here in town, i generally take them to when they are sick, we go an hour away for surgeries, because she is really good with them for that and an hour for an antibiotic is a bit much.

I could not bare the thought of that being in them, or in my house for that matter LOL

where do you buy that stuff at? from the vet or somewhere else?

I spent about 5 hours scrubbing my house down where my rats have been, their cage, their toys, their fabric, litter boxes food bowls LOL I was totally grossed out.
hopefloats said:
where do you buy that stuff at? from the vet or somewhere else?

The ivermectin? It's best to get it from your vet but a lot of people buy the horse paste wormer from feed and farm stores. Works pretty good.
eww that is a large animal compared to a rat, lol i will stick with cat stuff, least the kittens are kinda close, lol With my luck I would screw it up and give them to much. I rather leave less room for error