why has my rat stopped trimming his nails?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
United Kingdom
His claws are getting so long, I'm starting to get scratched all to death every time I pick him up, I was wondering whether it was because he has recently been stressed due to intros that finished a few days ago, or for another reason that I didn't think of. He is still grooming himself but never takes the time to trim his claws down. I've been trying to trim them with nail trimmers but I can't even do ONE because he squirms so much. I also think that maybe he has an ear infection or something like an ear infection because sometimes I catch him with his back toe wedged in his ear, and he sits there with it in for ages, and then after a while he takes it out and eats whatever it is. I will take him to the vets as soon as they email back telling me how much it will cost me for a consultation. But maybe thats the reason why he isn't trimming them? I have no idea to be honest.
Rats scratch and clean thir ears that way, it's pretty normal.
But as for the claws, not all rats trim their claws, some just don't bother. Make sure you always wear long sleeves when playing with them.
If he isn't old(otherwise it can just be a bother and take up the energy), I suggest putting a brick or rock somewhere he steps often(under the water bottle, near the food dish, etc.), it should file his nails for him. Long nails can be also dangerous for him- he could have hurt that ear cleaning it with his huge claws, or he could hurt his eye.