why do they tend to get skinny when old?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2009
New Brunswick, Canada
My oldest girl Diamond she is just 2yrs this month or last not exactly sure when she was born last cpl weeks of June or first cpl weeks in July, I told her Happy Birthday on Canada Day... :giggle:
Anyway she is a nekked babie and its almost painful for me to look at her these days as she has gotten soooo thin this past month or two.
Had her to the vet a cpl weeks ago her lungs don't sound the best, but said might just be age related, or possibly allergies and other than thin she is in great shape.
They suggested I try to feed her alone so she gets food maybe the young ones are keeping it from her (I don't think this is the case)
She has become even skinnier and with no fur to hide her figure she looks bad! She is still very active and doesn't seem to be having issues getting around or eating although she does seem really hungry all the time, her breating is ok from my view point (not visably labored)

Why do tend to get sooo skinny as they get old?
I think it must depend on what is wrong with them....I have a 32 month old girl and she is very plump......I am thinking some of the oldies just can't get enough to eat and/or can't digest it properly....I always try and feed my oldies higher riched food, pasta, ensure, baby cereal etc......maybe give the younger rats an extra out time and feed the oldies at that time......
That is a great idea!
I have been putting her in a separate cage and she will not eat then too stressed I think as its the cage we take them to the vets in.
But let the yuonger ones out to play and give her some food sounds good, she doesn't really like coming out to play anymore so good plan for her.
Even though I really think she is getting lots, she will push the young ones out of the way to eat, but maybe just some quiet alone feeding in her own cage will be good.
Right now they get Ensure and baby cereal 2-3times a week she loves the vegan dog food I got them so I have not stopped giving it adding harlan and the vegan dog food (which is a bit high in fat)
In general with older rats, their immune system starts to fail, they don't digest as well, etc, etc. Basically look at old humans, for the most part, gravity starts taking its toll and everything starts sagging to the ground,, muscle tone is gone, and they seem to shrink. Most elderly rats are like that as well.
That's what I think too... either they have a harder time digesting, but they might just not be interested in eating anymore. It could also be those with URIs struggle too hard to breathe, eating is a challenge for them.
I've had both kinds of oldies. My Bijou who lived to 41 months was HUGE. And then my Mielle who looked emaciated for most of her elderly life but still made it to 39 months.
well this is good to know she still has a lot of spirit in her and a good appetite just wish she didn't look soooo bad...this is when I wish she had fur! to cover her skinny bones!
I'm having the same issue. For the last 2 months my one rat is Severely underweight. Has had some respiratory issues. I feed dog food which I plan on changing. I've heard that's high in fat, so why is my rat emaciated? Like I feel his whole spine and his hip bones. His fur makes him look like a normal weight but when you feel him you can tell. He's turning 3 this September, and has had mites at least four times. He has an emergency appointment tonight as he seems almost blind within this last week, and is having a hard time with balance. It's my first time as a rat owner, and I hope to God it's not my fault.

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