Whooooo wants to see my 8 week old baby?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2010
Bixby, Oklahoma

I made that!
I did it!
That's my kid!
I love that they label those...
but you know, I might get confused, sense mine all show like cysts and other less-fun-than-a-baby stuff.

edit: And awwww, look at the baby
Congratulations! We had a 13 week ultrasound almost two weeks ago and it's crazy how fast they grow!
Congrats. I remember seeing mine for the first time, that's when reality hit me head on. Take good care of yourself and your precious bundle.
Oh wow!
(I thought this thread would be about a baby rat...)

That's pretty amazing! Usually I can't even see the baby on ultrasound pictures :roll: , but that's clearly a baby! Just, wow!

(I, too, failed to see what section of the forum this was posted under, and thought it odd that someone had an ultrasound of a rattie...silly me :emb: )

Take care of yourself and that wee little babe. And congratulations again!
I have a eight month old sister, just now cutting her teeth. She likes me a lot and screams her head off if a stranger try's to hold her.